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Elenor's POV:

We stayed together, wrapped in each other's arms, watching the sky until the warm glow of the sun appeared on the horizon. I felt incredibly safe with him, feeling every emotion he shared from his heart. He rubbed my back gently as the brisk morning air washed over us, the only discomfort in my cold, bare feet.

A man suddenly shouted from the crow's nest and more sailors appeared on board. They worked quickly in the cold, adjusting rigging and climbing masts. I looked up at Jake as he squinted out into the distance ahead, sheltering his eyes from the sun. Switching his gaze, he looked towards the quarter-deck, then confidently looked back at me, rubbing my back more.

"We've reached England," he said with a smile. Instant relief washed over me at his words, knowing I would be safe soon. I held onto him tighter in gratitude, relieved we had made it this far, even with all the terror along the way. With every league, we sailed forward. The sunlight shone, revealing the sliver of land I had once called home. He squeezed me tight and then let go, tangling his fingers with mine. "Come with me," he said brightly, "so I can gather my things and we can prepare to dock." I nodded to him and he carefully led me through the ship. His hand was warm in mine as we walked down cold hallways, comforting me every step of the way. My heart suddenly dropped at remembering our conversation on deck. How could we ever be separated? With societal pressure how would we survive? Being away from him for merely a night was enough to cause me to panic. I was afraid to lose him again. He squeezed my hand as we reached his room, and I reluctantly let go, waiting in the doorway.

I watched as he collected his weapons, fastening them on his hip and hiding them in his pockets. He picked up the belt with his sword and skillfully secured it to his hips, tightening the buckle. He adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves, his fingertips slightly shaking, the only sign of nervousness I had seen in him. He walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders and pecking at my cheek, his lips soft against my skin. He pulled the linen sheet from my shoulders carefully, giving me a gentle smile. "This must stay, unfortunately," he spoke apologetically. He skillfully folded and tucked the sheet under the thin mattress, leaving everything the way he first found it. Finished with his work, he brushed his hair out of his face and behind his ears, revealing the gold hoops that lived there. I leaned my head against the doorway and hugged my arms around my body, now feeling cold at the absence of the linen and his warmth. I couldn't help but go over the words he spoke last night, making my heart heavy.

"Undisclosed means no touching, right?" I asked, remembering the conditions. He smiled gently at me, his brown eyes sparkling with a glimmer of mischief. He walked toward me and leaned a hand on the doorway above my head, leaning in with a feathery kiss. He pulled back with eyes soft, a playful grin plastered on his face.

"No touching, princess," he teased before kissing my lips again, this time with more pressure. He deepened the kiss and sweetly dipped his tongue between my lips, making my heart race and my skin heat. My mind still racing, I pulled away quickly and looked at him, his dark eyes hooded and lips parted with teeth closed, wanting more.

"How will I know your affection for me will not change when we reach the port?" I asked seriously, searching his eyes for an answer. He paused, pushing the hair off of my shoulder and bringing his fingers to my face.

"I promise I will never make you question," he said with a kiss. "Even if I cannot touch you, you will know. I will show you every chance I get." His answer soothing my worry, I pressed my lips against his, unable to hold back any longer. We desperately grasped and held each other close, knowing this could very well be our last moment touching one another. My mind clouding over at his warm hands on me, I strategically placed my fingers between his stomach and trousers, grasping at his belt and pulling him closer. He let out a soft, 'mhm,' and then pulled away, taking my hands into his. "Not too much," he warned, "or I'll burn at your touch," he said breathlessly, trying to inhale. Disappointed, I leaned my head against the door frame and loosened my hands in his. Seeing my disappointment, he instantly took me into his arms, placing his hands on my lower back and between my shoulder blades, then quickly dipped me into the hallway, causing a laugh to escape my lungs. Landing an exaggerated smooch on my mouth and then down my neck and chest, I grasped at the back of his neck, trying not to fall. He laughed as he picked me back up, overjoyed that the shock had amused me. We felt the ship suddenly stop and our legs still felt like they were moving. I grasped at his shirt by the waist to balance myself, unable to hold back a smile. He looked down at me and smiled back, then carefully brought his hands to my chest, tangling his fingers in the laces of my shirt. He quietly laced it up and fixed the collar, his eyes locked on his work as he breathed deeply. His fingers gently lifted my chin as he finished, his eyes burning into mine with deep, chestnut tones. "For my eyes only," he said possessively, a deep rumbling in his chest. He marked my lips with his in a gentle peck, causing my eyes to flutter, and then slowly and reluctantly pulled away. "Shall we?" He asked, holding his elbow out to me. I gladly took it and leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked down the hall.

We reached above deck, the sunlight now gleaming and the sound of gulls in the air. The ship creaked as men carried objects off the ship and to the dock. The sister ship glided directly on the other side of the dock, and sailors quickly drew anchor. Still holding onto Jake's arm, we made our way down the gangway, careful not to lose our footing. I briefly let go and tried to walk forward on the dock, only to wobble, causing my head to spin.

"Ho there, sea legs," Jake said with a laugh as he steadied my elbow with his hand. I desperately grasped at him while trying to keep balance, a sensation my legs hadn't felt in a very long time.

"I'm not supposed to be touching you," I whispered bitterly, afraid someone would see.

"You regain your footing and we'll worry about that later," he chuckled, amused at my inability to stand still. Sam soon appeared on the gangway looking pale and woozy. I observed as he dizzily made his way on the dock, then bent over with a hand on his knee, bracing his stomach. He squeezed his eyes shut and spit up, coughing as he nearly fell over. At the sight of his throw-up, I gagged and turned away, now feeling nauseous myself. "Here," Jake laughed again, "walking helps." He placed his free hand over my fingers holding onto his arm and slowly pulled me toward the end of the dock. It felt as if my head was moving faster than my feet, making me feel dizzy. I shut my eyes and held onto him tightly, trusting that he was leading me safely.

"Focus on your feet," he instructed softly. "Feel them plant every step soundly. Feel the grain of the wood beneath them. Feel the tingling sensation in your skin. Take deep breaths," he said as he exaggeratedly inhaled and exhaled. We stopped walking and I slowly loosened my grip on him. "Keep your eyes closed," he whispered to me. "Feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Feel the wind through your hair. Breathe." I took a deep breath as he grounded me, relaxing all my muscles. "Open your eyes," he whispered in a deep voice, causing my eyes to open and look at him. He gazed at me softly as I steadied, his eyes squinting in the sun. I looked down at his mouth, a slight smile in the corner. They parted slightly, showing the edges of his teeth, drawing me in. I wanted nothing more than to reach up and kiss him, but instead, I slowly removed my hands from him, remembering our established rule. He blinked and lightly nodded to me, an unreadable expression on his face. "Let's get you to your father," he said quietly, then walked up the dock and expecting me to follow.

We walked past the side of the sister ship as a cluster of men strode down the gangway, barking words at one another. Letting them in front of us, they went on their mission to the dock. A sudden rattle sounded from the broadside. Jake and I both looked up at the source of the sound, only to see an unwanted familiar figure. My stomach dropped and my heart raced as Dan Deranged smugly stepped down the gangway. A crazed look was in his wide eyes and a smirk across his face, as if he had been possessed. Jake placed a hand on my hip and moved me behind him, aware of my anxiety. At my movement, Dan Deranged looked in our direction and his expression immediately contorted from insanity to pure rage.

"YOU WILL PAY," he screamed as he lunged towards us, only to be pulled by the chains binding his wrists behind his back. "YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR BETRAYAL!" His shouting echoed throughout the port, causing my body to shut down and shake uncontrollably. Jake gripped my hip tighter from behind him and took a step back, palming at his pommel with his free hand. The men immediately pulled him up the dock, pushing him away from facing us. Quickly catching my eye, I gazed at his shackle-bound hands, his fingertips appearing a tarry black. My blood ran cold and my mind started to panic as I gasped, grasping at Jake's arm.

"Jake," I let out in shock, "his hands. His fingers are blackened." Jake stared on, never breaking sight of him. Was it real? Were my eyes playing tricks on me? Was it a shadow? Was my dream actually a dream? I felt lightheaded, trying to understand.

"I'LL BE BACK," Dan Deranged shouted from behind him. "YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME!"

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