Birthright of Death

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Jake's POV:

"Seize him," the words rang through my ears, confirming my worst fear. The Governor's eyes bled with hatred, a grimace planted firmly across his mouth. Guards roughly grasped my arms, shackling them in heavy iron chains. I refused to resist, knowing this was the just punishment for my actions. This was it. This was the end. I looked up at Elenor, her face pale with shock. Her soft smile once apparent, now replaced with a hopeless frown. I could see in her eyes the blank stare of fear, not wanting to lose me again. My stomach sank, now aware that any outcome of her return would result in my loss. We set ourselves up for failure, blinded by hope.

"Father, no," she cried desperately, turning to him. "You must listen to him. You must negotiate. He saved me." She stressed her words perfectly, trying to convince him to reconsider. He never turned to her, only stared on, as if burning me at the stake with his gaze.

"I have negotiated enough for today," he said with authority. "And I will not have you stand here in the presence of all these men, practically naked," he stressed, while finally glaring at Elenor. She pulled away from him, hurtful and fearful. She looked back at me, unknowing of what to do. Her expression spoke apologies beyond words, sorrowful and hopeless. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, trying to let her know that either way, she would be okay. Immediately the coats pulled me out of the doorway, trying to pull me from her sight.

"You are safe, that's all that matters," I spoke confidently, keeping as much eye contact as I could, only to fail. They pulled me out of view and into the hall. I pushed back, hoping to see her one last time. "It's all I care about," I yelled, hoping she could hear. One of the guards pushed on my side forcefully, putting pressure on my ribs. I winced in pain, my broken bones still healing. They pulled me forcefully onward, even when I stopped resisting, ensuring they had the upper hand. They pushed me outside a corridor to a large black carriage, teamed with four raven-black horses and a driver dressed in dark, gloomy apparel, taunting my inevitable fate. They opened the door, revealing a pitch-black cabin with the evidence of a few men chained inside. Stepping inside, my heavy chains were secured to the floor,  restricting my movements. The door slammed shut, followed by the sounds of many latches and locks securing us in. The cabin let no light in, clothing us in complete darkness. I closed my eyes for a few moments, trying to adjust to the lack of light.

"Well, well," a gruff voice sounded from the corner of the cabin. "Looks like Jake got exactly what he deserved," it spoke mockingly. "Dan will be thrilled at this joyous news," he spat, sending a jolt of annoyance through my head. I recognized it as coming from one of my former crewmen. I remained silent, not wanting to entertain his amusement. The sound of a whip cracked and immediately we were pulled forward. The wheels of the carriage creaked underneath us, trudging over cobblestones. "What have you to say for yourself," the voice pried, trying to get a reaction out of me. I ignored him, keeping my heart rate steady. My mind drifted to the last moment I saw Elenor, standing hopelessly at her father's side. In many ways, I had let her down, but I reassured myself that at least she was safe and away from all evil. She would no longer be tormented by the reminder of her horrific journey. All would eventually be well. "C'mon, Blacksmoke," he mocked bitterly, "what say you of your noble deed?" Still, I ignored him, engrossed in my thoughts.

Eventually, the carriage stopped, and the man's mocking continued until the door finally opened. Bright light poured into the cabin, painfully searing through my eyes and momentarily blinding me. My chains were released from the floor, only to be violently hauled out of the carriage. I looked around, observing my surroundings. The sky was dull and filled with clouds, ravens flying frantically above. A large, stone building towered before us, iron bars and rat-infested cells awaiting. Guards stood outside, grinning at me derisively, anxious for my downfall. I was jerked forward by my shackles and led through iron doors, entering with compliance. The smell of mildew, urine, and feces burned through my nostrils as we approached a dark hallway lined with cells. The voices of men moaning in pleasure and pain echoed through the stone, hinting at the torture that resided here. My chains clashed against each other as I walked, making my new arrival present to all imprisoned. I dared not look into the cells as we walked by, knowing I would immediately be threatened and put on a death list by whoever was inside. The guards pressured me down another hallway as we turned a corner, and stopped at the first cell on the right-hand side. Hands gripping my bicep, another soldier fiddled with iron keys as he unlocked the lattice door, creaking it open with one fluid motion.

"Welcome to hell," he spat, and I was instantly shoved inside, making me lose my balance. Catching myself before I fell, I stood and faced the men silently, only for them to take hold of me once more. One punched at my already bruised side as the other held me in place, making me drop to my knees and gasp for breath. I closed my eyes as they snickered at me, enjoying the sight as I winced in pain. I opened my eyes to glare at them, only to be met by a solid punch to my cheekbone, knocking me face down on the floor. They laughed to each other as my head spun, and locked my shackles to another heavy chain lying on the floor. I heard the iron bars squeak and shut closed, the keys rattling as they locked me in. "Filthy pirate," one of them muttered as they walked away, leaving me in writhing pain. I gasped for breath, my ribs feeling like they were stabbing into my lungs. I gripped at the straw underneath where I lay, desperately trying to give myself strength. I finally inhaled sharply, which only brought more pain, causing me to choke out in a deep wail. I carefully rolled myself on my back, tears unintentionally slipping out from the corners of my eyes. I lay there, trying to suck in a deep breath. I calmed my heartbeat with each short breath, slowly regaining my strength. The side of my face pounded with each heartbeat, no doubt leaving a decent bruise.

My eyes opened, revealing a stone ceiling above me. Small beams of light shone through short bars at the top of the back wall, the only source of hope I had. I blinked at the ceiling in defeat, trying to prepare myself for what would come next. A trial? The gallows? The guillotine? Torture? I had no idea what would come next. Either way, I would most likely rot in this cell until then, deserving of my punishments. I slowly sat up, moving aside the heavy chain that remained on the floor. I followed it from my hands to a large ring connected to the stone wall, keeping me in place. A jingle of chains sounded from a few cells over, catching my attention. A slight movement caught the corner of my eye, making me peer through the lattice bars to find its source. A man sat far in the corner of a cell, his forearms resting on his knees. His wrists were wrapped in bandages, soaked in crimson blood, his fingers a grimy jet-black. I sat in shock, disbelief at how the situation could get any worse.

"The Crown will always betray, mate," he grumbled as he spoke, his voice gravely and hoarse. His eyes bore into mine, insinuating all forms of hatred, begging for my attention. "There will always be injustice."

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