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Jake's POV:

The blazing sun chiseled its rays underneath my eyelids, causing white light to blind me as I slowly opened them. The salt burning the moisture out of my eyes and skin, I hesitantly took in the scenery around me. I looked out to the sea; her waves less vibrant than I remembered them. I sat up for a better view, pale sands and distant islands blotching a horizon I did not recognize. My ribs ached in pain at my sudden movement, my lungs straining under the pressure. All exhaustion and suppressed pain filled my body as I lay back down on the cold, wet sand. Swimming and struggling to stay afloat drained every amount of energy from my body. I could not move, I could barely breathe under broken ribs. I could feel the back of my throat contracting and itching as I tried to hold back tears from welling in my eyes, emotions starting to rise.

"AGHHHH," I screamed out into the open, releasing the buildup inside me. Every ounce of oxygen escaped my lungs, along with all of the pain, grief, and guilt gripping at my soul. Instant regret filled my being as the pang in my side got deeper. I clenched my teeth together and winced at the pain. I felt a twinge in my mouth and brought my pruned fingertips to it, feeling a deep, swollen gash in my bottom lip. It stung as I brushed my tongue over it, sucking and tasting blood. It cracked open more with every movement, it's soreness causing annoyance, my mind trying to remember which blow caused it. Every part of my body was in agony. I lay on the sand, unable to move, until the tide slowly started drawing in.

I let the waves wash over me until they became more forceful, which caused more pain in my ribs

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I let the waves wash over me until they became more forceful, which caused more pain in my ribs. Seaweed tangled around my feet, I reluctantly flipped over on my stomach and dragged myself, exhaustedly, to higher ground. Bracing my side with my hand, I carefully sat up, the pressure in my lungs greater than before. How did I get here? I battled internally with the debate of if it was luck or a curse that I had survived, knowing my crew most likely had a worse fate. Dan Deranged had gotten what he had wanted; he knew I was better at torturing myself than any man could. He bet on my harrowing death. I could not stop the deep ache trenching itself within my heart. I somehow had to live with the guilt and humiliation of failing everyone I knew. I laid back down, closed my eyes and held my breath, my lungs struggling to keep strength. Deciding survival was a curse, I wished for death to take me.

My eyes still closed, I could not sleep or fully rest, nor did I feel the grip of death wash over me. I felt the air begin to cool on my skin and the blazing sun become less intense. Time was moving faster than I could keep up, frustration sweeping over me. I opened my eyes again and watched the clouds cover the sun like big white sails. I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to release the headache between my eyes. I suddenly remembered my vow to make things right, and tired passion stirred within my chest. "Death to you, Dan Deranged," I cursed, anger filling my veins. I remembered my promise to him, that if he were to lay even a finger on her he would hang. My thoughts drifted to Elenor. I remembered my last view of her, fear in her eyes, screaming out to me for help. I had never seen her so desperate, so trusting. I couldn't give up on her.

Finding the strength, I slowly rose to my feet, ignoring the pain in my side. I scanned my surroundings. Washed up items from The Mountain of the Sun laid on the beach, and a patchy tree line rose in the distance from behind me. With the sun slowly fading, I needed to find or make shelter in order to survive. I needed water to flush the salt dehydrating my body. I slowly stumbled towards the trees and dry land, unsure of the dangers in this unfamiliar world. With the sea on my left, and the brush on my right, I trampled forward. The warm wind blew gusts of its breath through my dampened hair, causing a chill to form on my skin at the temperature difference. A shiver ran over me as I noticed the sun slowly putting itself to rest, and the moon starting to peek out from its blanket of blue. I stepped foot into the tree line, trying to heighten my senses in search of alleviation. My hearing picked up the sound of rushing water, rapid, consistent crashing, unlike the sea. Trampling through bush and over rocks, my eyes finally caught sight of a pool of fresh water, with streams rushing down a cliff to supply it.

I fell to my knees, my body overwhelmed with relief at the sight. I bent over the water's edge and frantically scooped handfuls of water to my mouth to drink. It was sweet on my tongue, yet it burned my chapped, cracked lips. I couldn't drink fast enough, my scratchy throat regaining its moisture too slowly. I bent over the water more, ignoring the pain in my ribs, and brought my lips to the cool drink, sipping it up like an animal. Finally feeling rejuvenated, I cupped the water and brought it to my sunburnt face, cleaning my pores from the salt and debris.

Suddenly, barking and inhuman cackling came from the dry cliff above me, making me freeze in my place. I scanned the now darkened area around me, knowing whatever beast produced that noise could be anywhere. Deciding the open beach was most likely the safest, I slowly rose to my feet and walked back in the direction I came. Twigs snapped and brush rustled from behind me, making me hasten my pace. More cackling and snorting sounded in the darkness, and I picked up part of a branch in preparation of defending myself, obviously being followed. I briefly doubted my sense of direction, with the trees blocking my view of the stars. The farther I got, however, the more clearly I could hear the well-known sounds of the sea. How I longed to be with her again, as I did not belong on land. Any sight that blocked my view of the sea caused panic within my soul. My heart beat rapidly in my chest, keeping the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I used the wood in my hand like a cane, keeping me grounded and propelling myself forward.

I finally broke through the nightmare of trees and dry ground, the difference between the salty air and the dense thicket very obvious. It was like transporting to another world, and the sounds of the great beast disappeared as soon as I broke free. No longer feeling the fear of being hunted, I walked to the familiar soft sands and gazed at the sky, trying to read my position in the stars. My mind calculated positions as I admired my old friends, their illuminations sparkling in the ominous sky. Far east, but not quite far north as England. I pondered on the memorized picture of my map in my mind, now lost at sea, and tried to remember my geography. If I were anywhere near Spain I would know, but this land was unfamiliar to me. Africa? The possibility wasn't out of the question. I scoffed at the irony. This was where we were supposed to stop and collect previsions. There had to be a port nearby.

I walked north along the beach in search for evidence of docked ships. I listened to the night waves as I walked onward, the drawing in and out of the coast, a soothing lullaby. My thoughts drifted to the argument regarding Africa and how Elenor fought for her opinion. How I hoped she had the same fiery spirit to fight against Dan Deranged. He was always manipulative and forceful, especially with women. I thought of the tenderness of her being, the softness of her skin, the delicate touch of her fingertips, the light grazing of her lips. If only I could touch her again. I hoped that she would not be injured by the destruction of Dan Deranged. I hoped with every fiber of my being that she would see through him. My heart pained at the thought that she might not see his true self, that she might be drawn to him. My gut flipped and my heart burned, jealousy starting to rise to my head. As I walked along, the beach became riddled again with planks of wood and artifacts from The Mountain of The Sun, signifying I was back where I originally washed up. I shuffled around the pieces corrupting the sand in the darkness, a perfect reflection of what was happening in my heart. No. I would trust that she wouldn't falter. Yet, there was always another I had to worry about. Another that we had to dance around to protect our secret.

Amongst the litter of wood, a different shape caught my eye. In the near distance, a body was washed up on shore. My heart instantly dropped, fearing I would see the swollen corpse of one of my mates. I prepared myself for the sight as I stepped closer, worrying of how I would bury the body with my ribs broken and own body beaten. With my lack of strength, I would not be able to dig deep enough to prevent animals from disturbing the dead. Anxiety streamed through my head at the thought of the beast that was chasing me, desecrating a friend I put to rest. I reluctantly moved closer, trying to recognize the face of the body through the darkness of the night. I bent over it to get a closer look. Immediately, I could feel my stomach drop and my blood run cold, the sharp pain in my ribs piercing my side as I moved away quickly, in shock. My thoughts returned to Elenor as I grieved for her loss.


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