Devil at the Door

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Elenor's POV:

The damp wood felt strange underneath my bare feet as a chill wind blew and waves lapped at the ship. The air was silent except for the faint flapping of sails. The night was dark and still. Voices could not be heard, nor men seen on deck. Feeling frightened at the thought of being alone, I cautiously clambered below deck to find a living soul. Lanterns shone a hazy yellow, too dim to fully see my footing before me. I searched the whole ship, yet not a soul was found. Not even the bunks were inhabited by snoozing sailors. Sam was nowhere to be found. Jake had dissipated from existence. My heart raced in my chest, frightened that I would be swallowed by the sea and perish on the ship, alone.

Faint scratching in the distance caught my attention, along with a quiet grumble. From which direction it came, I could not tell, but I tried following it, the only source of sound in the belly of the ship. It lured me to its location, down steps, and through narrow passageways, until a bright glow appeared from an apparent room. Stepping into the doorway, rows of lattice bars lined the sides of the room. All cells were empty, yet the scratching and mumbling were still present, sounding from the last possible lock-up. As if in slow motion, I approached the cell, cautiously peeking through the bars to find the source of the noise. My stomach instantly dropped and blood ran cold at the sight of a man sitting in a corner of the cell, facing the wall. He rocked slightly as he pulled locks of curls from his head and grumbled to himself. His shoulders were broad and muscles etched, with each plucking fingertip dusted in a black soot. I watched as he placed each lock on the floor, which somehow caught a spark, and singed with each whisper he spoke. He suddenly pulled a lock of hair from his pocket, which was straight and brown, unlike the dark black curls from his head. I watched as he held it up to his face and spoke to it, watching it char without contact with fire.

"What are you doing?" I asked, terrified by the sight in front of me. His body stiffened and whispers subsided as he turned his head to face me. His hazel eyes drew deep into mine, glaring with satisfaction at my presence. A wide smirk appeared across his chapped lips, instilling fear into my chest. Dan Deranged rose slowly from the floor of the cell, never breaking eye contact. The bars between us, I stepped back, keeping a safe distance. Or so I thought. Seemingly impossibly, he walked straight towards me, through the closed door like a ghost walking through walls. I quickly rushed backward in terror, only to run into the cell bars behind me. In the blink of an eye, Dan Deranged grabbed me firmly by the throat, his smirk quickly turning into a scowl of disdain. I gasped and choked at his blackened grip, pain searing into my trachea.

"You will die for the betrayal you have committed," he spat, his nails digging into my skin, causing my eyes to water. I tried screaming out in pain and clawing at his arm, begging for the release of his hand. I choked and writhed under his constraint, watching as his murderous gaze became darker and blurrier by the second.

"Wake up," a faint voice rang in my ears. Dan Deranged looked to his right, causing everything to turn black. The grip was loosened, sending a jolting pain throughout my body. Finally able to breathe, I screamed out in terror, holding my neck where the pressure hurt most. My ears rang and tears streamed from my eyes. Rummaging and raised voices sounded around me, confusing and frightening me even more.

"GET OUT," I shouted. "EVERYONE, GET OUT!" My senses returned, and I felt warm linen around my shoulders. My vision slowly returned, yet remained slightly fuzzy. A warm glow filled the room, with Jake standing by the door. "Don't leave me here, Jake," I cried, desperately needing his comfort. He rushed to me instantly, holding me in his warm embrace. My eyes blurred with tears and trying to grasp reality, I grabbed onto anything I could to believe I was truly on The Sparrow of the Dawn.

"Elenor," I heard him say softly, with a rumble in his chest. "You're safe here, nothing is going to harm you. It's only you and me." I looked up at him, his deep brown eyes bleeding sincerity. Unable to control my emotions, I sobbed into his chest and held onto his body in gratitude. He rocked me gently, allowing me to let out the emotion while providing the protection and comfort I needed. "Deep breaths, love," he said softly, bringing me a sense of peace. His embrace loosened as he lifted my face, wiping hair and tears from my eyes. "Shhh," he whispered with pursed lips, wiping every tear that involuntarily fell. His expression spoke of concern and care, his full attention dedicated to calming me. "You were asleep," he said softly. "Were you dreaming?" A wave of confusion hit me as I wrapped the linen around my body tighter, realizing I was still undressed from the night before. I wiped my dripping nose and looked down at my crossed legs, reality setting in.

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