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Jake's POV:

"Undisclosed means no touching, right?" I heard a small voice say, making me glance up at Elenor, her arms folded over her chest in annoyance. Her sass and forwardness caused me to smirk, her image resembling that of when I had first met her. I strode over to her, pulled in by her presence. I leaned over her, my intentions clear. I teasingly placed a light kiss on her lips, then pulled away to watch her eyes flutter open. Her arms uncrossed and slowly reached for me.

"No touching, princess," I said, interrupting her with another kiss. I took in the feeling of her as she kissed back, my heart beat hastily speeding up with each second. She suddenly pulled away, leaving me dumbfounded.

"How will I know your affection for me will not change when we reach the port?" She asked, her eyes completely serious. I looked down at her, wondering why she would question my intentions toward her. Confession after confession, I would always and forever make sure she knew I was hers.

"I promise I will never make you question," I said as I brushed her lips again. "Even if I cannot touch you, you will know. I will show you every chance I get." Breaking the no-touch rule, she slowly rubbed her hands up my chest and around my neck, kissing me deeply at my response. My body heated at her touch as she pulled at my ear and grasped the back of my scalp, causing me to pull her closer. I gripped at her hips as she pulled me in, unable to keep my hands off of her any longer. God, she was dangerous. I would surely burn in hell for the things I would allow this woman to do to me. My heart rammed against my ribs, practically breaking through. I could only hope she could feel what I was feeling as I reached up to her face, trying to take her in at a better angle. She moved her hands down and squeezed at my hips in response, sending electricity through my body. My heart beat harder as I felt her fingertips reach beneath my waistband and pull down at my belt. The heaviness of the belt riddled with many weapons put pressure on my crotch, turning me on even more. A slight hum accidentally escaped from my mouth as I pressed against her lips, snapping me out of the passion. Trying to catch my breath I pushed away, pulling her hands from where the pressure was building.

"Not too much, or I'll burn at your touch," I cautioned, fully knowing where this would lead if we continued. We had so little time before docking, I wouldn't want her to feel rushed. She looked at me with a frown, her cheeks burning red, evidence that she was enjoying it. Amused by her disappointment, I quickly swooped her into the hallway and bent over her, enthusiastically kissing her lips and exposed neck and chest, earning an excited giggle. I laughed at the noise she let out as I brought her back up to meet me, and we felt the ship suddenly stop beneath us. She held onto my hips for support, her giddiness still present. I smiled down at her, noticing purple pieces of evidence along her neck and chest, revealing our past passions. Her cleavage temptingly peaked through her shirt, and I took a deep breath at the sight before gently lacing it closed. I fixed the collar and pulled a strand of hair over her shoulder, covering the bruises. I didn't want anyone to see her the way I saw her. I lifted her chin to look at me, her silence saying so much. Her eyes melded into mine, staring intently. "For my eyes only," I whispered, before gently pressing my lips to hers. I slowly pulled away from her, knowing we needed to leave soon. Still, she looked at me lovingly as I offered my arm to her.

Walking on deck and to the gangway, I tried to remain focused as Elenor held my arm. Unable to control myself, my mind fantasized about what would've happened if we had continued. I tried to calm myself and gulp down my feelings, my body still reacting to her touch. She slowly let go of me as we reached the dock, her every finger brushing my arm, sending a shiver down my spine. She took a few steps before stumbling, her body leaning in all directions.

"Ho there, sea legs," I said jokingly as I braced her arm, keeping her from swaying. She desperately held onto me and let out a short chuckle.

"I'm not supposed to be touching you," she whispered in annoyance.

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