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Elenor's POV:

As I awoke, my bare skin was cold and shivering, the linens just over my hip as I lay on my side. Keeping my eyes closed, a wave of shame flooded over me as I cursed my subconscious for coming up with such a dream of warmth and love. I was back where I had started, trapped on The Funeral of Innocence. The ship rocked on the waves, the sounds of ocean spray and leather boots hitting the deck above. The bleakness indicating a clear sign that I was alone, I let slow sobs fill my chest, the emptiness of my heart aching painfully. I didn't want to open my eyes. Opening my eyes would mean soon facing the monster that held me captive, and reliving the same trauma over and over again. My body ached, feeling tired from the perpetual strain. My head spun, trying to make sense of what was happening to me. I wanted to return to the dream that had made me feel whole.

The thought of another moment with Dan Deranged made me sick to my stomach. He was cruel and only taking. I thought back to the forbidden dream, how Jake had rescued me and made me his, and made me feel loved. Every moment was detailed and vivid like it had truly happened. I ached at his absence, grieving for his presence. Was I going mad? Perhaps Dan Deranged's madness was infectious. Troubled at the thought of his forceful nature spreading to me, I tried to wrap my arms around my chest for comfort. Still feeling cold, I attempted to yank the linen up to my shoulder, yet it was caught, possibly tucked under the frame of the bed. Barely feeling human, I gave up in defeat, my chest hurting with loneliness. I lay there sniffling and frigid, desperately hoping I would dream again. 

Suddenly, I felt a tussling in the bed from behind me, and my body became stiff with fright. My eyes shot open in the blatant sunlight at the shock. A body shuffled on the bed, moving closer toward my back. My heart started beating rapidly, unprepared for what might come next. I shut my eyes again in fear, not wanting to participate in another act of submission. I tried to remain calm, hoping I would still appear to be asleep, yet my heart betrayed me by violently beating in my chest. I was convinced it could be heard from worlds away. I braced myself for any sudden impact, hopelessly praying it would somehow be more gentle than the previous times.

 Unexpectedly, I felt gentle fingertips taking up the hem of the linen and pulling it further up my body, covering my nakedness. I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist and a gentle kiss against my shoulder blade, sending a warm wave throughout my body. A low exhale sounded from behind my head, and loving legs tangled sweetly between mine. I felt a heartbeat on my back, steady and true. I brushed my fingers over the arm that was holding me, feeling each hair, and sniffled back the emptiness of feeling alone. I turned carefully into the body next to mine, peering over my shoulder to take a look. Jake's sleepy, half-closed eyes met mine as he rested his chin on my shoulder, a warm smile on his lips. He kissed my jawline and pulled me closer to him, sending a wave of relief throughout my whole body. It was not a dream. I was not going mad.

"Good morning," he said softly, sleep staining his vocal cords. I turned fully to face him, wiping my eyes. He wrapped his arm around me again as soon as I was settled, and I nuzzled into his chest, trying to calm my racing heart. He kissed the top of my head, letting out a hum as he squeezed me close.

"You stayed," I mumbled in relief, taking in the warmth of his body. His breathing was stable, making me feel safe in his embrace.

"Of course," he reassured, "Where would I go, hmm?" He asked with a rumble in his chest. "I wouldn't leave even if I had the chance," his words spilled out with tenderness. I looked up at him, his deep brown eyes dancing as my eyes met them.

"Why is that?" I asked, shocked at his words, "You can do whatever you please." I watched as his lips curled up in amusement and his eyes closed tiredly.

"I beg to differ," he said with a chuckle as his eyes fluttered open again, "You hold my heart captive. Everything I am is yours." I stared at him as he let out his words, and I analyzed them, trying to understand.

"You make it sound as if I hold you against your will," I said, slowly pushing back from him, afraid to let him get any closer.

"On the contrary," he began, letting out a sigh, his eyes drifting to a far-off place, "The sea is mystifying and enchanting," he began storytelling. "She pulls ships into her depths, luring them through the captivating waters. Her storms are mighty, and her courage is dangerous. Yet, at night she gently reflects the stars, guiding lonely sailors home," he said as his eyes met mine. "I am a slave to the sea," he whispered, squeezing me tight to his chest again. "Anywhere I go I look for her. She gives me a sense of direction. Her courage inspires my own courage. I could not turn away from her even if I tried. I would sail anywhere for her, and do anything she pleases. My love—" he paused, brushing a thumb over my cheek and studying my features, "Everything I am is yours. I would be a fool to leave." His expression bled sincerity and awe, his eyes lighting up as he gazed at me. I understood his metaphor, easing all worry from my mind. I felt safe in his embrace, more than anything I had ever dreamt of.

"I don't believe you," I said sarcastically, poking at his chest. He smirked at me, catching onto the sarcasm.

"Oh, then I'll have to convince you," he flirted, bringing my knee up to his hip. His thumb brushed over my skin, waiting for my response.

"I'd like to see you try," I laughed, my heart excited at his playful expression and loving gaze. He gave me a knowing, mischievous look, satisfied with my permission. I smiled at him as he pulled my pelvis flush to his and traced his fingers up my thigh and over my spine, keeping our bodies as close as possible. My heartbeat quickened in my chest, overflowing with his intimacy. He pulled me in for a kiss, light and feathery, barely touching, teasing my hunger for him. He pulled away and gazed at me, his eyes hooded and mouth parted, breathing sweet breaths of desire. I pulled him in this time, deepening the kiss. He gently turned me over on my back and laid on top of me, the pressure of his body pressing into mine. His chest heaved as he broke away from my lips and trailed down my neck, sucking at the skin. My hand traveled through his hair, taking in the sensation, lighting up my body once more. He briefly cupped my breast before trailing down my stomach and disappearing beneath the linens, sending another wave of heat between my legs. His skillful hands gripped at my hips, his strong arms wrapping around my thighs. I inhaled sharply at the feeling of his lips on my most sensitive skin, sending me into complete bliss. 

It became a most unforgettable morning, filled with unconditional and selfless love. With every touch he convinced me more of his devotion, making me feel alive. I was his and he was mine, and no one could prevent us from believing it. The safety I felt from his care and responsiveness was unmatched. Even though we were on open water far from our destination, I was already home.

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