Cold Hands

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Elenor's POV:

I nodded to Jake and turned to the door, knocking on it gently. We heard a grumble from inside, allowing me to open the door. I looked inside to see my father sitting at his desk, promptly writing a letter. He glanced up quickly, then did a double take.

"Well, my Nora, what a pleasant surprise," he said fakely, confirming that he knew I was coming.

"Father, I must speak with you," I said plainly. He sat there with a shocked expression, then gestured for me to come in.

"Well then, my dear, please come in," he said, setting his quill on the desk, and taking off his spectacles. "Sit down." I opened the door wider, letting myself in. Jake's shackles scraped on the floor as he followed me in, immediately sending my father standing in a rage. "Elenor," he protested loudly, his mouth trembling. I closed the door behind Jake as soon as he was in, then turned to my father.

"Father, please. Please, listen to what we have to say. It won't take up much of your time." We stood in a moment of silence as he grumbled to himself where he stood.

"Very well," he retorted as he sat abruptly, "be quick about it, as I have work that needs to be done." I quickly sat in my seat, gesturing for Jake to do the same. Jake stared at me blankly with hesitancy in his eyes. "You may sit, boy," my father barked, disrespectfully.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jake spoke formally, catching my father off guard. He took his seat and sat up straight, carefully placing his chains on his lap, his eyes bright and ready.

"Father," I said after he was settled, "I want to begin by thanking you for your time, as this has been long overdue since I arrived. In my meeting with you today I hope we can discuss what I originally wanted to speak with you about before we were rushed out of your office on the day of my return," I spoke plainly, making sure he was listening to my words.

"We'll go on then," my father responded, understanding sending us away when we first arrived was improper.

"Thank you," I said again, before beginning. "I want to speak to you about how I have returned. On the night of the capture of the Caribbean Isles, I was swiftly taken away to safety, in secret, with the help of our Server, Sam, whom you know. Sam took me to your study, through a hidden passage in your bookcase, to a small row boat, to which he rowed to the nearest island. He spent all night rowing me to safety, Father, and it wore him. Thinking quickly, he sought the help of this man before you," I said as I gestured to Jake, "because Sam knew he could not row me to true safety. This man before you was my only way of escape. We traveled for many days through the Atlantic before running into The Feared Dan Deranged. I was kidnapped, Father," I stressed, "and although he could have left me with the dreaded pirate, Captain Blacksmoke returned to The Funeral of Innocence, captured Dan Deranged with the help of the Barbarossa brothers, and returned me to safety. I owe these men, both Sam and Captain Blacksmoke, my life. I have come to understand that you have settled arrangements with the Barbarossa brothers, but you have not settled your peace with this man in particular," I said, gesturing to Jake again. My father stared at me blankly, shocked that I was speaking so straightforwardly.

"Do you have any idea what this man has done?" He said, causing me to look in the direction he was pointing. Jake looked at me, eyes yearning, his full trust in me.

"I do, father," I said, turning back to him, "I fully understand that Captain Blacksmoke has caused complications for you concerning Dan Deranged, as well as indulged in a life of piracy," I paused, "but that was only because he had to," I said, catching my father by surprise once again. "As far as I know, you were in the works of an agreement with the Captain for proper housing and provisions for his men after the war. A soldier returning from war deserves a hero's rest, does he not?" I asked, seeing if he was paying attention.

"Yes, Elenor," he said, "but you should know I had very little to give them, not because of my doing, but because of what was available. You should know I was doing my best to provide. After Dan turned to madness, this man," he bickered, "turned to treason, stole the best fleet I had in the Navy, and caused hell for me in office."

"Your Excellency, if I may," Jake implored with caution, earning an ounce of respect from my father. "I fully intend to repay you for the fleet that was stolen," he said boldly, casting me in shock along with my father. I looked at him quizzically, not expecting this proposal. "I have acquired a ship, you may know her, The Sparrow of the Dawn?" My father rubbed his chin in thought, thinking of the offer. "She's faster than The Mountain of the Sun ever was, with many more guns and fully stocked, Your Excellency," Jake continued as Father pondered. "I am willing to surrender her to the Royal Navy in payment of my debt to you."

"Father," I pleaded, "you are in a higher position now than you were at the time of this occurrence. If this debt is settled between the two of you, it will be of good favor to you come the next election."

"It may," he grumbled, "but it does not cover all of your offenses."

"I understand, Your Excellency," Jake nodded, "and I will take responsibility for my actions." Father paused at his words, clicking his tongue and rubbing his chin more.

"I will take your offer of The Sparrow of the Dawn, and will put you on trial for piracy alone, Jake," my father spoke informally, "but I cannot guarantee that you escape the gallows." My stomach sunk at his words, knowing there was still a high chance of death.

"I understand, Your Excellency," Jake responded.

"I will write to the judge tomorrow for your trial and about your willingness to take responsibility."

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jake responded again, with no emotion in his voice. I carefully reached for him under the desk, out of sight from my father, and placed my hand over his thigh in comfort.

"If you survive, I may be able to offer you what I originally promised before this whole ordeal, but your survival is the judge's decision." I was amazed at his words, not expecting him to follow through without my prompting.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jake repeated himself, "that is most generous." He slowly curled his fingers over my hand and lightly squeezed, all while keeping his eyes on my father. His fingers were colder than mine, but I was still thankful for his responsiveness.

"As for Sam," my father said as he turned to me, "I only showed him that passage as he grew older, knowing you had become friends. It seems he has done precisely what I asked of him in a time of emergency." I sighed in relief, understanding that this meant he was pardoned.

"Thank you, father," I said genuinely. "Thank you for hearing us."

"One more thing before you leave on your way," Father continued as he picked up his spectacles, "Dan Deranged with be hanged with a short drop tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock. I want you both to be there to watch," he said coldly, finally putting on the spectacles and picking up his quill. I stiffened at his words, realizing I would have to see that man again.

"Of course, Your Excellency," Jake responded for me, "Again, thank you for your time." He stood before I did, then slightly pulled back my chair for me to rise. Snapping out of a daze, I quietly thanked my father again, then walked out of the door. I walked quickly out of the building with the sound of shackles behind me. Sam met me without a word and helped me into my carriage. The door was shut behind me and I could hear my ears ringing. I looked out the window to see Jake briefing Sam on what had happened. Sam nodded to him, shook his shackled hand, and clapped him on the shoulder, then parted to the other carriage. To my surprise, Jake entered my carriage, sat across from me with clanging hands, and only stared at me. I did not know what to say. Had we accomplished anything at all? Did I send him to his death? I was scared and in shock. I had no courage left in me.

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