Chapter 35: Remus + Patton say: hamburger supremacy

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before we begin, heres some art i did because of a few comments in another chapter and because of one of my friends asked lol

before we begin, heres some art i did because of a few comments in another chapter and because of one of my friends asked lol

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Now, onto the chapter!

"Please don't be too weirded out when we get there, ok? All of them are... very unique people. It may be a bit hard to get used to- well, to understand them. Specially Virgil. He's very confusing at first. Like- he's actually a nice fella when you get to know him but to understand him he has to open up a bit, first impressions are tricky and I wouldn't trust them because-"

"Logan, please, stop worrying. You're stressing over nothing, and it's becoming contagious," Roman stopped him, "Right turn now?"

"Yes," Logan nodded.

The two were currently sitting in Roman's red car, going to Janus's house for the first official meeting, just as they had scheduled, Roman driving and Logan giving directions.

Honestly, Logan was freaking out a bit. He didn't do much of a great job hiding it. On the one hand, he was afraid of Roman judging him over the vampires. On the other, he was afraid of the vampires judging him over Roman. Which was stupid. Roman was an open-minded person and it would be out of character for cloud to judge Logan for this. And Janus seemed to adore Roman already, and considering what Logan knew of them, it was likely that the rest of the vamps would also like prince. Still, that didn't stop his brain from acting up, something that it apparently loved doing.

"Which one was Virgil again?" Roman asked

"You're going to be introduced to him soon enough..."

"I know, but I want to be prepared, just in case ya know? Besides, it seems that rambling calms you down and helps me mentally prepare myself, so-"

"Alright then... Let's start with Virgil. He's the shortest of the team, excluding Patton, of course. That one's a little kid, so it makes sense. Virgil has black hair and pale skin, he likes makeup, hoodies, fishnets and broken clothes. I'd classify him as chaotic neutral, altho he probably calls himself a chaotic evil. He's also very flirty, especially when he's in the mood, but doesn't typically mean it... I think. He's the self-proclaimed local criptid. I warn you; he may seem like a bit of an asshole at first, but you grow to like him."

"Does everyone think he's an asshole at first, or is it just you?"

"Well- his boyfriend seemed to like him from the first moment," Logan replied, "We also have Janus, who you already know, and Remus, his husband. Remus has many scars across his face and is missing a few fingers and a leg. Do not point them out. First of all, common sense, it's rude to do so- but also, I've been told that he gets triggered if someone asks one too many questions about them. When he talks, he's either very silent or rambles a lot, switching languages mid-sentence sometimes, so it's a bit confusing to understand him, especially considering his weird accent-"

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