Chapter 56: I'm so sorry for the lack of quality, fam. Hope y'all can forgive me

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I hate that i'm starting to fall out of the fandom (i blame podcasts, depression and Mr Sanders), it's starting to negatevely impacting the progress of this story. 


TW: Bad mental health, talks about stabbing

A light atmosphere was present in Logan's appartement; the news hadn't gotten there yet, so both him and Patton where busy in relatively insignificant affairs if compared to the issues which were developing in the mansion a few kilometers away.

The two sat in the couch before Logan's computer, arguing over which movie they should watch. It was... a surprisingly deep discussion, as neither of them was able to agree with the other on what was the best choice

"Oh, I know!" Patton beamed, "The perfect choice! Hercules! It is Disney, so I like it, but it also has history and mythology so that you can-"

"No, no, absolutely no way," Logan crossed his arms, "I'm not allowing that poor excuse of a movie to be put inside these walls,"

Patton groaned, throwing himself back on the couch

"Why not? You reject all my ideas- what could you possibly have against this one? Is it just because it's Disney?"

"No! I may not like the company, but that's not why. It's- the movie is completely inaccurate! Haven't Remus or Janus told you about Greek mythology? Those two are supposed to be cultured men... Isn't classical history part of your curriculum?"

"I mean- yeah, but they've focused more on the history and art aspects rather than the mythology itself... what's wrong exactly with the movie, exactly? Aren't all movies inaccurate in some sense?"

"That doesn't mean it's acceptable- look," Logan took his glasses off to rub the bridge of his nose, "I'm going to put it in simple terms. Have you watched the movie of the lightning thief?"

"Oh yeah, it was horrible!" Patton exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air, "The characters were soooo old!? And the plot was so wrong, the characters where badly written, the journey was all changed, and it was so weird and bad and-"

"Well, that's what the movie Hercules feels like if compared to the original myth," Logan stated. Patton blinked a few times before frowning

"Oh wow. That's bad."


"I get why you don't wanna see it then," Patton sat up again, looking at Logan with newfound curiosity, "How's the original myth then? Is it a fun story?"

"We could say so, yes. Let's clear up some things first though.

"For starters, the Greek name of Hercules is actually Heracles, Hercules is the roman version of the name. One of the things the movie got wrong was that he was a demigod result of an affair Zeus had with Alcmena; she was the mother, not Hera. This is very common in Greek myths, Zeus was always cheating on his wife, 99% of his kids were birthed by other women. Zeus wasn't a nice guy. So then, as Heracles was born half-human, there wasn't all that business with Hades.

"And Hades! Hades wasn't like that!! Hades was a good god, one that had been casted away, forgotten, but he wasn't a bad person! Being in charge of the underworld doesn't make him evil! And that hair- blue fire is hotter than red fire, and his fire turns red when he's mad, which makes insanely mad because-"

Logan was cut off from his rant by the sound of his phone ringing, Doctor Who intro song blasting through the room. Patton looked disappointed by this but didn't complain as Logan picked up, knowing it was important the second he read the ID of the caller

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