Steve Harrington X Reader - Shadow

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Shadow by Birdy. This is a really short one, but I hope you all enjoy it.

When you'd startled awake in the Wheeler's basement, you were almost certain that you were still dreaming. You could hear Kate Bush playing faintly from another part of the room, muffled by distance, and the pillow you were resting on was abnormally warm, the softness of the material driving you to sit up to look at what on earth you'd fallen asleep on. And then, Steve had been smiling down at you.

"Hey," he murmured, watching as your brow furrowed slightly. "How'd you sleep?"

You blinked, trying to clear your mind, still completely lost. "How long was I out?"

He glanced over at the clock on the wall, shrugging slightly. "Just over an hour. You just sort of nodded off; I assumed you could use the sleep-"

"Oh God," you murmured, sitting completely upright. "I'm so sorry; you've been trapped under me for over an hour?"

Steve snorted with laughter. "Not like I had anywhere else to be," he muttered, waving away the frown pulling at your features. "Almost got too comfortable and fell asleep myself for a minute there, but thought someone better stay awake to keep an eye on these little shits," he added, gesturing at the kids littering the room.

You let out a soft chuckle as he tugged you back against his chest, letting his arm rest around your shoulder. "Steve, I'm going to squish you-"

"No, it's nice," he interrupted your whining, drawing a gentle pattern into the bare skin of your arm. "Comfortable," he repeated softly, shuffling just a little until he was back in his original position, sandwiched between you and the couch. "You can go back to sleep if you'd like. I'll wake you up if anything happens."

You hummed softly, nodding slightly. In all honestly, you had always known that there had been some sort of spark between Steve and you. It had come easily. Gentle teasing and sweet little gestures that would've meant the world if it wasn't for the massive elephant in the room. Steve had clearly still been in love with Nancy when you'd met and you were unwilling to be the rebound. But now, almost two years and a multitude of failed date stories later, you were wondering whether you had been a little too hasty in pushing him away.

"When all of this is over," you murmured softly, drawing his attention back to you and stopping his fingers mid-pattern. "Can we talk about some stuff?"

"We can talk about stuff now," he hummed softly. "What do you want to talk about?"

You shook your head, lifting it just enough to look at him properly, your eyes set on his. "You know," you uttered. "Stuff."

"Oh, us stuff?" You nodded, letting your head fall back to rest on his chest. "Yeah, we can talk about some stuff when this is all over," he told you softly, his hand shifting up to play with your hair. "I don't think it'll be a long conversation though. I'm your shadow, right? That's not changing any time soon."

You felt a small smile pull at your lips, your grip tightening in his shirt. "My shadow?" you hummed.

"I'll follow you wherever you go," he reiterated. "You and only you."

"My shadow; I like the sound of that," you uttered again, letting out a soft chuckle. "Hey, Steve? I'm your shadow too," you finally murmured.

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