Robin Buckley X Fem!Munson!Reader - October

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song we fell in love in october by girl in red. Reader is Eddie's sister, but this is set between season 3 and season 4. It's a really short one, but I hope you all enjoy it.

You let out a soft contented hum as you reclined back on your elbows, your eyes drifting shut as a cool breeze filtered across your cheeks. This had always been your favourite place to disappear to when you needed a break from the world, even though it had really been all that private. Sitting up on the roof of the trailer still felt like a safe haven. You could smoke and watch the stars, or the wind rustling the trees, or the world just drifting by as you sat completely still. 

Eddie had teased you for your little safe place when you were younger. He'd thought that the idea of you hiding out on the roof was ridiculous. If anything, it was definitely less safe than being on the couch or in the van or literally anywhere else that you could hide out. But you'd shrugged it off and endeavoured. 

And then, a couple of months ago, you had met Robin. It wasn't like she was some massive awakening or anything. You'd known that you'd liked girls since you were like 13, but Robin had been the first girl that you'd really liked. She wasn't just pretty, she was gorgeous. It was like someone had taken your type and formed it into a real person. And then they'd just dropped the two of you into the middle of some shitty little town and waited patiently for the two of you to find each other. 

You couldn't explain it really, but you'd confessed to Robin about your little rooftop zone-outs with zero hesitation. It was crazy. You'd had the same best friend since you were a kid, and you'd never once mentioned it to her. The only people that knew were Eddie and Uncle Wayne. And now, Robin had become part of that exclusive club too. 

"So, you just sit up here?"

Your eyes blinked open, your head tilting to find her watching you carefully. "Sometimes," you murmured, shrugging slightly. "Sometimes, I bring a book or my cassette player or something," you pressed on, a little awkward smile pulling at your lips. "It's weird, I know-"

"It's not weird," she corrected, shuffling a little closer to you, almost as if she desperately wanted to touch you but didn't want to overstep a boundary. "It's nice up here," she pressed on, clearly trying to settle your nerves; trying to keep your safe space sacred for you. "It's nice," she repeated, watching as you started to grin at her. 

"It's the roof of a trailer," you corrected, letting out a soft snort of laughter. "It's not exactly the Four Seasons, but it does the trick," you added, biting down on your bottom lip when she laughed at your comment. "When the sky is clear, you can see the stars from here," you told her, your head tipping up to look at the clouds above you. "They look so close that sometimes I wonder whether I could just reach out and touch them, you know?" 

When you lifted your head again, Robin was closer, leaning in and pressing her lips to yours. Your breath caught in your throat and when she pulled back you blinked at her in confusion. Sure, you liked Robin, but you'd always sort of assumed that she didn't like you. You tried to lure her into flirting all the time, only for her to go rambling on to some other topic, skipping straight over the actual flirtatious comments you tried to make. 

"Oh," you finally murmured, a small smile pulling at your lips. 


Before she could finish her sentence, you were pulling her down again, capturing her lips in a deep kiss, your hand tangled into the front of her shirt to keep her close. 

"Oh," she repeated back to you when you broke away from the kiss, your face still mere inches from hers. "So, you do like me," she pressed on, drawing a startled chuckle out of you. 

"Of course, I like you," you yelped, shaking your head in disbelief. "I've liked you from the second I first met you."

Robin hesitated for a moment. "Good," she hummed. "Because I like you too."

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