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It was around 11 pm. Gracie and Leah were sleeping, and Ed and I were in the family room finishing up a movie. Ed's head was resting on my

lap and I lazily ran my fingers through his hair. Once the movie was finished, I was exhausted and ready for bed.

"ED?" I asked.

"Mmh?" He responded, sounding tired.

"Want to go to bed?" I questioned.

He slowly sat up and turned off the TV. "Yeah, I think I'm going to go sleep in the guest room," he answered.

"Why? Do you not want to sleep with me?" I asked puzzled.

"Not that at all. I'm just not feeling so well. I don't want to get you sick or keep you up all night," he confessed.

"Aww, babe, why didn't you tell me?" I asked concerned.

"Didn't want to worry you," he answered.

I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. "What's bothering you?" I inquired as I continued rubbing underneath his shirt. He felt very warm.

"I have a stomach ache and I'm dizzy," he mumbled. Ed rarely ever gets sick and if he does he usually keeps it to himself, so I knew this was serious.

His head was still resting on my shoulder and his body seemed to be leaning on me for support. "Let's get you to bed.

I don't want you standing up if you feel dizzy," I told him as we headed towards our room.

"no," he complained, realizing he wasn't going in the direction he wanted.

"Teddy I'm not letting you sleep in the guest room," I said.

"Love don't be ridiculous. We don't need both of us sick," he breathed, fading fast.

"No. When I'm sick you take care of me, so I take care of you. That's how marriages work. For better or for worse," I said, refusing to budge.

"Mmmkay." He agreed, too ill to argue back. I guided him to our bed and gently laid him down. He immediately bundled up under the comforter.

"Ed are you cold?" I asked concerned.

"I'm fine," he replied.


"Ed, that's not what I asked. Are you cold?" I repeated.

"A little," he mumbled weakly and closed his eyes. I sat down next to him and pressed my cheek against his forehead to see if he was still warm.

He was burning up. He definitely had a fever. I placed a kiss on his head and stood up from our bed. "Ed, I'll be right back.

I'm just going to go get you some water," I whispered.

"Lov-" He began to say before I interrupted him.

"Shhh, it's fine, let me take care of you," I said walking out of our room before he could protest.

After getting some water and a cool washcloth I walked upstairs to our room. As soon as I got to our door I heard Ed vomiting.

I rushed into the bedroom placing his glass of water on his nightstand and hurried into our bathroom where we was leaning over the toilet and heaving.

"Love, go to bed," he said out of breath. I didn't answer him, instead I just rubbed his sweaty back and blotted his forehead with the washcloth.

About fifteen minutes later Ed had stopped vomiting, but his shirt was drenched in sweat and he looked green.

"Ed, are you hot?" I asked.

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