I missed you...

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I dropped the card key on the bed and combed my fingers through my hair with a sigh. 

Exhaustion had begun to settle into my bones, but my legs and feet continued to twitch. I wanted to move despite the desire to sleep. 

 I felt holed up inside and not just because I hadn't explored the city beyond my hotel suite. I missed my friends. I missed walking. 

I missed the anonymity of being herself. 

I missed Ed.

My fingers quickly found their way to their last exchange via text, and my teeth worried my lip as i considered what to say.

Hey. You busy? – ME

Kind of. What's up? – ED

Nothing. Just finished shooting for the day. Even though I'm tired, I don't want to sleep, y'know? – ME

I waited a few minutes to see if he'd reply and wandered over to the balcony to look out over Madrid. I could see the city lights, and I 

knew even if I managed to escape notice for a little while, I'd still feel alone here. Alone and drained. I was grateful for the work and knew that this life of mine was full of privilege and decadence. I sat in a chair on the balcony and hugged my knees to my chin.

My phone buzzed in my hand. I hesitated and wondered if I should just shut it off for the night and let sleep happen. My mind and body likely needed it.

I caved, entering the code to see his reply.

Yeah. I know that feeling. Hey... if you want, I can be there with you. – Ed

I blinked to clear my eyes. Same message alit on my screen.

What? No.... I mean you shouldn't. You're busy and I'm just feeling.... Idek tonight. I'm sorry I bothered you. –ME

Love, if it was a bother, I wouldn't have offered. Offer still stands. – Ed

Taking a deep breath, my thumbs hovered over the touch screen. What do i want? He had a way of making me feel like such a girl. 

Before i could respond, i received another text from him.

I miss you. – Ed

I can be there in 48 hours. – Ed

Say yes. – Ed

Are you going to make me beg? –Ed

I can be rude and just show up, too. –Ed

I giggled at his rapid fire texts and hurried to respond to let him off the hook.

Okay, okay, okay! Please come! I am begging you. ;) –Me

And I miss you, too. –Me

A/N- Should i make another one!? like part 2?

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