stealing chocolates

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Can you write about Rob and Kristen being excited for Halloween because they get to take their kids trick or treating and then they steal their candy?!

I lumbered down the stairs as I massaged my lower back. When I turned the corner to the kitchen and saw Ed huddled over our son's candy bag, I couldn't hold in my laugh. Tossing Xander's mask in Ed's direction, I caught his attention and he looked to me with a scowl on his face.

"What? I have to check his candy!"

"Babe, you're not checking it. You're pilfering it," I pointed out as I crossed to island and retrieved the mask.

"Oh, I...uh...Look! I'm checking it," Ed said proudly as he turned the trick or treat bag upside down, spilling all of the candy across the kitchen island. "See, checking it carefully..." he mumbled as he started sorting the bite-sized treats into piles.

I snorted and shook my head as I leaned against the counter and watched him. When I realized what he was doing, I pushed myself forward and swiped the pile of candy closest to Ed towards her.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He cried and reached to snatch the chocolates back.

"You are stealing candy from a baby," I teased.

"He's not a baby anymore and he'll never know. He's asleep right?" Ed looked nervously over his shoulder towards the stairs.

"Out cold," I assured him. "He's wearing his costume though. I got his shoes and the mask off," I told him as I waved it around, "but, I didn't have the energy to fight him on the rest." Walking my fingers across the counter, I grabbed a mini bag of Skittles and slid them in my direction.

"Don't steal the baby's candy!" Ed mimicked my voice to the best of his ability and tried to snatch them back, but I gave him a dirty look.

"I'm stealing FOR the baby," I cooed and batted my eyelashes as I tore the packet up and rested it on the top of her very prominent baby bump.

"If she wants skittles, then I'm sure her brother would be happy to share."

"Double standards," Ed teased and shook his head as his eyes danced across the candy-covered counter top.

"When you have the babies, I'll let you have anything you want," I mumbled as I chewed the fruity candies I'd popped into my mouth.

"Yeah, well...I help make the babies, so I deserve a reward and..." He quieted and smiled wide as he fished a full-sized bar of chocolate from the bottom of the pile.

"Don't do it," I warned and shook my head as I waddled to the trashcan to throw her wrapper away.

"Why not?" Ed nearly whined.

"He'll definitely notice that one isn't there," I pointed out as I turned and gave him a knowing look.

"Nah, he has so much, he won't even remember this one." Ed attempted to rationalize and tore the bar of chocolate open.

"You're screwed, Dude! I'm so gonna love it tomorrow when I get to say 'I told you so'," I chuckled as I came up to my husband's side and pushed myself up onto my toes so I could kiss his cheek.

"He won't even know," Ed repeated and took another bite of the candy bar as he smiled widely and ducked to kiss her head.

"Bullshit," I mock-coughed into my hand and waddled towards the stairs. "I'm going to bed. Try and leave the kid something to be excited about when he wakes up in the morning."

"Night, Love," Ed called out as he went back to sorting their boy's holiday loot.


"I can't find it!" Xander's voice sounded through the house as Ed barreled into the bedroom and dove for his discarded pants on the floor.

"Daddy? Where is it?"

"Shit, fuck, bloody hell," he mumbled under his breath as he frantically dug in the pockets of his jeans.

I tucked into myself and peeked at Ed who was watching me with one eye as he shoved his hands into the pockets and shook the material.

"Do I get to say I told you so now?" I asked in a raspy voice as I blinked lazily and stretched, my hand moving to cradle my stomach.

Ed snapped his head up to look at me fully as his hands stilled. Biting his lower lip, he debated lying to me, but didn't have a chance before our son's voice erupted from outside of the room. "Did you eat it, Daddy?"

Instead of wasting his energy trying to bullshit me, he turned his head over his shoulder and yelled back at his son.

"No, check around the living room. I dumped your candy out on the couch to check it. Maybe it's on the floor? Under the sofa or one of the tables?"

"Told you so," I giggled as I snuggled into the covers and peeked over the edge of the duvet. "You going to 7-11?"

"Yeah, you gonna stall him?" Ed jerked his hand out of his pants with his car keys in hand and did a quick victory dance before darting to the bed and depositing a kiss on my forehead with a loud smack.

"No, the baby is tired. She wants to sleep more," I teased and let my eyes flutter shut. "Maybe you should fess up and just take him with you."

"Love, please," Ed whimpered.

"Did I say...I told you so? Did I already say that?" I laughed, making Ed groan.

"Mommy? Did you eat my Hersey bar?" Xander called out as he climbed the stairs.

"Nope," I answered honestly as I mean mugged my husband. "You want to come cuddle with me?"

"No!" Xander pushed the door open and stood in the entry with his hands perched on his hips, a scowl etched on his face. "I want my chocolate bar."

Ed scooted past his son and patted him on the top of the head. "Go say good morning to your mum properly and I'll look for it. I bet I can find it in no time. Uhhh...give me 15 minutes?"

As Ed moved down the hallway at lightning speed, I sat up and lifted the covers to invite my son to join me and called out to my husband.

"Hey Babe?"

"Wha?" Ed stumbled and stopped to turn and look at me.

"I told you so," I laughed as I grabbed the remote so I could turn on cartoons for our boy and try to keep him entertained.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled as he turned and started down the stairs; mumbling under his breath as he moved.

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