pillow fight

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Ed had just got of the bathroom and was looking for a T-shirt in the drawer when he felt something soft, yet substantial, hit his head.

"What the fuck?" He turned to look and saw me on my knees in our bed with an innocent smile on my face and the pillow I'd thrown at him lying on the floor. "What was that for?" He asked me surprised.

I just shrugged my shoulders at him. "No reason," I answered and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You hit me for no reason?" He asked as he retrieved the pillow and threw it back at me, hitting me straight in the face, making me fall backwards onto the bed.

"Omff," I complained and Ed laughed. I sat up immediately, took both of our pillows and threw them at him. He caught the pillows in his hands.

"Oh pleeease," I complained when I realized I didn't make my mark because neither of the pillows actually hit him.

"Sucks to be you right now, Babe," he smirked and started walking towards me slowly, "because, you have no pillows left to hit me with.

I, on the other hand," he paused briefly before continuing, "have two," he said as my's eyes got huge when I realized that he was fully armed.

I sat up on the bed, squealed and tried to scramble out of our room. "Oh, you're sneaky," Ed called out to me as he dropped the pillows and ran

after me. Being faster than me, he caught me just as I was about to start down the stairs.

"Gotcha," he said and lifted me up from the floor by my waist as I squealed and kicked my legs.

"Stop! Stop!" I squealed laughing as Ed chuckled.

"You're the one kicking your legs and screaming, not me," Ed reminded me as he re-entered in our bedroom with me twisting and fighting in his arms.

He dropped me on the bed and watched me try to catch my breath for a moment, before launching himself at me.

"Oh Jesus," I moaned when the weight of his body took away my breath again. "You're heavy," I complained as Ed started tickling my sides, making me laugh even harder. "Jesus...hahahahahaha- stop- I'm gonna- pee pee!" I laughed, causing Ed to stop his ministrations and look at me.

"You're gonna pee-pee?" He teased as I tried to catch my breath. "Okay Ms. Pee-Pee, go before you make a mess here." He kissed my nose and let me get up, but burst into a fit of laughter as he watched me run like a little kid to the bathroom and slam the door.

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