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"I'm going to be sick!" Ed said, looking very green.

i gave him a look that made it clear she didn't think it was his place to be.

i couldn't utter a word, my mind replaying over and over again the scene when the baby had been crowning and all those body parts which were supposed to be pink and not stretchable or elastic had been so stretched some of the skin had ruptured, provoking a natural episiotomy.

i put a hand on my belly, my very swollen belly, and thought about what i was supposed to be preparing for, thinking about my own body parts and how they would be stretched to give birth and i just wanted to faint.

Ed had agreed when a couple of their friends had offered to lend them the tape of when their baby had been born, promising it wasn't too graphic, but if that wasn't graphic, then i never wanted to see anything that fit that criteria.

i wondered how my body would stretch that much, how it would manage to accommodate the baby coming out. It barely made sense.

"Love... You're awfully silent."

"I'm saying a prayer for my vagina," i said coldly.

He took my hand and said:

"I'm joining you."

we remained in silence, thinking about what we had just seen and how much we dreaded it.

When i spoke again, i said:

"You'll stay by my head while I deliver your kid."

"No argument from me here."

"I don't want anybody to make a video of my vagina stretching to pop out our kid. I want you to make it clear to everybody in both our families that there will be no filming of my private parts, not unless they want to leave to meet our brat."

"Agreed," Ed said once more.

"And I'm phoning my obgyn tomorrow to see if there is anyway I can be put in an induced coma a week or so before I'm supposed to deliver this kid, so that hopefully, I don't have any memories of what will happen to my body," i said.

Ed didn't agree this time, knowing he couldn't tell me i would want to be awake when it happened, as i was scared to death.

He was scared too, of the actual delivery and of what would come next, bringing the baby home and all. He kept on wanting to call his mom and beg her to come and stay with them. He would call mine too, and his grandma, his aunts, her aunts, all women in both their families to help them manage their little bundle of joy.

"Next time Jason offers you to watch a non graphic video of the birth of his child, you punch him in the face, you got me?"

i said, looking at him fiercely.

"I will, I promise my love," Ed said to me.

"Gosh. Whoever said we needed to be prepared and see things in order to feel safer about this process was a dick.

I would give anything to forget all about it."

He didn't speak once again, rubbing my shoulder and kissing my neck. we would get through this of course, but that video... That video was the most terrifying thing to have happened to us since we began this adventure of bringing a new being into this world.

Ed would punch Jason in the face next time he saw him for sure, and he'd kick hil in the balls too, just to prevent him from knocking up his poor wife again and making her go through this ordeal.

Ed kissed me once more and offered to massage myher feet. I agreed, pouting. He couldn't blame me after what we had seen.

i could tell that he was extremeling happy for being a father.

"If you want another kid later, you'll be the one carrying it," i said.

He smiled and kissed me once more.

Imagines with ed sheeranWhere stories live. Discover now