Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Five

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"...Viv, c'mon, you gotta help me with my bow tie!" Slash pleads, his fist knocking against the bathroom door as Steven holds handfuls of my hair whilst puke spews into the toilet.

"Give us a second there's been a complication!" Stevie shouts for me as I take in a deep breath, my throat burning, and the smell causes another bout of stomach-content to pour from me.

"It starts in, like, ten minutes, man!" Slash says from the other side.

"Give us a second!" Steven's dramatic, high pitched squeal echos as I flush the toilet, desperately in need of rinsing my mouth out.

He's already waiting with a damp washrag from the towel closet next to the counter, wiping the chunks of my breakfast from my lips.

"Stevie, I don't think I can do this." I mumble, give out from dry heaving.

"You got this, Viv." He assures me.

"I don't got this." I shake my head, tears in my eyes as my nausea continues as Slash knocks again.

"Slash, two seconds, dude!" He assures him.

"It's Izzy. Open the fuckin' door."

Stevie opens it, Izzy striding in, slamming and locking it behind him.

"Sorry, Viv, I'm stressed. I gotta do this," He pulls a joint from the inside of his jacket and lights it up, the smell making my stomach turn again. "The fuck's wrong with you?" He asks, furrowing his brows at my disarray.

"She's been haking her brains out for twenty minutes." Steven tells him.

"I can't do this." I shake my head.

"What?" Izzy asks, confused. "Do what?" He looks to Stevie as if to say, "what the hell she talking about?"

"Viv, I really need this tied! It's almost time to go!" Slash is back and Steven opens the door.

"Go get Tansy to tie it." I hear him tell Slash.

"We can't find Tansy." He sounds almost distressed by it.

"What?" The three of us state at the same time.

"Her and Axl are fuckin' M.I.A.." He explains.

"It starts in ten minutes what do you mean they're M.I.A?" I hoarse out.

"Nobody can find them, Duff's getting a little pissed about it, Mandy's ready to start and we don't have Axl. They're not even here."

Before I can stop it, I'm lurching forward, missing Izzy's shoes by an inch when I vomit onto the tiled floor.

"I can't do this." I repeat it as Izzy plucks the wet rag from Steven and wipes my mouth again before I go to the sink and cup water in my hands to rinse my mouth out.

He's keeping the blunt between his lips as he goes to Slash, tying the bow tie around his neck, taking a long drag before letting smoke push out of his mouth and nose.

"You two go talk to Duff, make sure he stays in a good mood. We'll figure out where Tansy and Axl are and it'll be fine." He states, raising his brows.

"Sir, yes, sir." Stevie gives a salute, throwing his arm around Slash's shoulders.

Izzy's pushing the door shut, turning to look at me where I'm sitting on the edge of the tub.

"I gotta go home, I can't do this." I take deep breaths.

"You're one of his best friends, what the fuck do you mean you can't do this?" He bluntly asks me.

Gateway Drug | Volume I Where stories live. Discover now