Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Seven

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The tip of my heel taps against the pavement, a flury of cigarette smoke ghosting over my face as Izzy takes one last drag of it and puts it out, raising his brows when I speak into the payphone and say, "I think you're overreacting, Tommy."

"Uh, no, don't think I am, Viv." He replies. "He's a grade-A pain in the ass now because absolutely everything has to be perfect. And if it isn't, guess whose fault it is? Not his."

"He's Nikki, he's always been nit picky."

"I could handle him being like that when he wasn't sober – or when we weren't sober so it didn't really bother me all that much – but now it's like the second I even tap the fuckin' drum he's blaring in his little microphone about something he's found wrong with what I'm doing." He explains.

A frown pulls at my lips, hearing how fed up he is despite the fact they haven't even been working on much aside from trying to get the energy back that was once there when they had first started.

"If he's like this and we haven't even started on the album, just imagine what he's gonna be like when we do start on the album. I'm gonna kill him." He points out.

"I don't even wanna think about it, right now, Tommy." I groan, rubbing at my forehead while he lets out a breath.

"Well, I'm about to have to go. Heather's gonna be in tonight." He informs me, sounding like an excited little kid.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, I've been trying to find a way to ask her when we can start making some babies." He adds and I wrinkle my nose.

"Ew, Tommy, I don't wanna know about that."

"I have seen you getting fucked on the hood of a car, Viv, and you draw the line at me telling you I want to have little Tommy and Heather's running around?"

My face heats up at the memory he's recalling and I'm resisting the embarrassed urge to bang the phone against the hook.

"You're basically telling me you're gonna have a talk with your wife about her letting you creampie her." I shove any discomfort for the conversation aside and I can practically hear him cringe hearing me say such a thing.

"Don't say stuff like that." He says.

"What? Creampie?"

Izzy's looking at me funny, raising his brow, an uncomfortable look on his face at the fact I'm saying it as Tommy shouts, "Viv, stop, it's like my mom saying that or something."

"Sorry..." I reply, waiting a moment before adding, "...I had to get creampied to make my ba–"

" – Vivian, stop!" Tommy yells as Izzy lets out a loud, "ugh," covering his ears.

"Okay, okay, I'm done." I promise, laughing. "I hope you have a good night with Heather." I add.

"Thanks, I hope you have a good night with Izzy."

"Ha! He'll probably be conscious for another hour before he crawls off somewhere to pass out in a cross-faded stupor." I look at Izzy as I speak and he casually holds up the middle finger of his left hand. "Stay sober, alright." I say to Tommy next.

"I am, don't worry – I'm also keeping the guys on the wagon, too." He adds.

"Thank you." I look at Izzy, who taps on his watch. "Alright, Tommy, I gotta go. I love you, tell the guys I love them, too, and I'll see you when you get back home."

Gateway Drug | Volume I Where stories live. Discover now