Gateway Drug | Part Sixteen

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Explicit language
Minor sexual situations
Mentions of drug abuse
Mentions of depression


"It's so good to see you again!" Tommy's mother is as warm as she's always been, enveloping me in to a tight hug and I gladly accept it. "You look beautiful as ever." She assures me, pulling away to examine me.

"We're sorry we couldn't make it to your wedding, but we got you something." His dad says next, handing me a small velvet box wrapped in a pretty dark green ribbon.

I take it from him, and Tommy's bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"I helped pick it out." He informs me, the chains and studs of his costume clanking together with his enthusiasm.

I look at him cautiously before taking the ribbon off and opening the box.

Shining silver flashes from the set lights above us bouncing off the thin diamond studded band with a tiny crucifix charm dangling from it.

I pick up the bracelet to get a better look at it and feel the weight behind it. Before I can even ask, Tommy's confirming:

"It's real as shit, Viv." He beams. "Me, Ma and Pop and Athena all pitched in for it."

"Thank you, Tommy." I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck, and he's grabbing at my wrist and fastening the bracelet around it once we pull away.

"Hey, Doc, where's Nikki?" He asks when he's done, seeing Doc walk past us. "I want him to meet my folks."

"I'll go find him." Doc assures him softly.

"Where's Roxie?" I ask next, remembering him mentioning she was here and he shrugs.

"She had to go use the bathroom, I think." Tommy tells me before offering to give his parents a tour of the set.

I follow behind them, not completely paying attention until Tommy stops and points at Nikki approaching us behind Doc, looking guilty.

"Ooh, Ma, Dad, meet the Sixxter." He introduces Nikki, the two sharing a high-five as Tommy's mother immediately hugs Nikki to her.

It's obvious he's not expecting it, a slightly confused look on his face but he doesn't reject her.

"It's a pleasure." His father greets him welcomingly, extending his hand to shake Nikki's.

"Hey, Nikki, we could fly your family out for the next L.A. gig." Doc offers and Nikki rolls his eyes as he states:

"Great idea, Doc." Obviously sarcastic.

I furrow my brows slightly, but save whatever questions I have about it for later.

Moving to Nikki, I snake my arms around his waist, about to press my lips to his when he turns his head away and winces a little bit, my lips instead falling to his cheek.

I go to ask what's wrong, but Tommy interrupts me.

"Oh, guys, I want you to meet somebody else. Babe, c'mere." He motions for Roxie who's observing all of this from a corner.

Nikki tenses up, his eyes seeming to be able to be everywhere else but Roxie...or me. As she passes by us, he's seemingly hiding behind his black hair, and I look between the two of them just as Tommy's introducing Roxie as his "fiancée", catching all of us off guard.

"What?" I blurt out, nausea stirring in my stomach.

Nikki's blatant "are you fucking kidding me" expression is shared with Doc, and Tommy's parents are even more taken back by the news.

Gateway Drug | Volume I Where stories live. Discover now