Stir of the Moment

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Virdjana's POV

Fredrickson came to pick us up, appearing to be unfazed even after seeing Dheeran covered in bandages. "Marvelous performance young masters. Come, let us bring you back to Arcacia."

How could he tell?

So it's normal for Dheeran to end up like this after his missions, no wonder that temperamental friend of his gets all worked up about this.

After arriving at the back gates, the driver helped Arcedes unload his luggage, which proved to be nothing but heavyweights during the whole trip. 

"Finally," Dheeran exclaimed as he inhales. He even went for elbow stretches like he wasn't hurled into the skies a few hours earlier.

"Whose fault do you think that was V?" in my trance, I may have subconsciously reconnected with my guardian.

"Anything wrong with you?" I immediately asked, forgetting that I might appear mental when Dheeran can't see or hear my guardian.

He smiled mischievously, his hair a bit unruly, and he changed his old outfit into Arcacia's official student uniform. I quickly glanced at his necklace which also reflected the crack it got from its physical copy, the one I'm wearing.

"Change of outfit, yes. You don't like it?" he asked giving me an ear-to-ear grin, he even went as far as to brush his hair like some fashionista.

"I knew it. Something is wrong with you." I concluded, walking forward and massaging the tips of my fingers.

"Hey, hey, V. I'm okay. Look at me. I'll stop acting weird." Reggie said with a chuckle, appearing beside me, floating, his usual gimmick.

I glared at him.  

I was distracted that I stopped paying attention to my surroundings. 

"Virdjana watch out!" I almost yelled, almost, but I managed not to when Dheeran ran in front of me as he shields me from a flying frisbee. 

"Oh, wow. I was gone for a few hours and you found yourself a knight in shining armor?" Reggie gasped in disbelief, and irritation.

Go, or I'll cut you off. 

"That's my cue," Reggie stated before disappearing into thin air.

"Mate, sorry about that! My friends aren't paying attention. Please don't report us to the faculty young master!" bowed the student who hit Arcedes. 

Arcedes picks up the toy, and hands it to the freshman, "be careful, next time."

"That was unnecessary." I told him, sliding to the right, before walking away. 

Dheeran Arcedes caught up to me, a hand scratching the back of his neck, "I know, but you're probably going to give the poor kid hell if the frisbee actually hit you, right?"

I might, but I'm not that petty. 

"Virdjana, I'm just looking out for you. It's a mark of friendship." He beamed with glee. 

"Friendship?" the moment I heard that word, I can't help but shake my head, "what are you 10?" I chuckled after.

He looked upset.

"What about my promise? I'd talk to the specialist for you. I'm feeling guilty that you have to get a significant necklace broken because of me." Dheeran bit the bottom of his lips, and he sighed. "Just give me time."

Time. I may have all the time in the world in this academy, or I wish I could.

"You have two weeks, or I'll..." he cuts me off with a chortle.

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