Imagine being in Germany with Loki Part 1

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This is gonna be a multiple part imagine. Enjoy!
"Come on, Y/n! It'll be fun!" My friend, Greta, squealed. She already had her dress on for the gala in Stuttgart tonight. I rolled my eyes and Greta tossed me the dress, which was a cream with gold flecks ball gown. She was wearing a deep blue and silver lined dress. I scoffed and went to her bathroom to put on the too expensive gown.
Schäfer Building, Stuttgart, Germany
Greta and I arrived at the Schäfer Building to where Heinrich Schäfer was giving a speech. What it was about I had no idea. All I knew was that there was an elegant gala going on and that Greta was going and so was I. She convinced me with the fact that "There'll be hotties there!!"
We went inside and saw a bunch of people mingling and talking. Stuff I knew nothing about. I looked over my shoulder and Greta was gone. "Ah, shit. Great." I murmured, sitting down near a sculpture of a bull.
It wasn't long before I heard screaming. What the hell??? I looked up and saw a tall, lean man walking down the staircase with a golden staff in hand. A man attempted to stop him and got knocked out in his efforts. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit!" I yelled, running back. I nearly tripped over my ball gown in the process. I ran for the door and was stopped by a man with a bow and arrow. He took me by the arms and held me tight. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, in a tone that clearly said he was done.
"Out of here!"
"I don't think so--" he said as he was about to draw an electrical arrow, probably to stick it through me. I flinched, ready to die when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me. "Not her. She's mine."

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