Chapter 3

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I walked into the kitchen and leaned on the counter. I sighed and rolled my shoulders to remove the knots in my arms. I need to get myself together. My eyes slid to the clock and sighed. I had about 40 minutes till I attend my new school.

I went to the refrigerator and looked inside. Nothing. I made a mental note to start buying food if I want to stay alive. All I've ate for the past month was take out. And it's starting to make a bad influence in my stomach. I looked around the cabinets till I heard the phone ring in the living room. I shut the cabinet door and jogged to the phone.

"Hello." I asked as I put the phone to my ear.

"Bella?" My eyes grew wide as I recognized the voice in an instant.

"Erick??" I screamed. I grabbed the phone with both hands pushing it harder against my ear. A pang of sadness spreaded around. I shook my head and ignored it.

"Oh Bella! Where are you??" Erick sounded desperate and it made me worried.

"Why? What's wrong Erick?" I asked my hand turning into a fist. One thing I hate the most over anything is if people mess with my family. I love the both guys so much. I couldn't possibly live without them. As long as they visit me I'm okay. But it's been hard these past 3 years without them. I've managed to live though.

Erick laughed. That laugh makes me calm down and I smile as I remember Erick's voice and laugh. I missed them so much. It's been over 6 months since I last saw them. It's been rough not seeing their faces. "Nothing Bella I just miss you. When are you coming back?"

I sighed in relief that they weren't harmed. "Erick you know I can't come home. It's long gone. I need to move on. " I heard Erick mumble something then a crash. I scrunched up my nose. Erick always has mood swings. It's quite ironic. I also do but not as bad as Erick. One time I grabbed the last Popsicle from the fridge and he went bat-shit crazy. He wrecked half the house. Adam wasn't to pleased coming home to find that.

"Bella.... I miss you...." Erick's voice made me want to jump through the phone and hug him. He always know what to say to make me feel gushy. I loved him so dearly.

"I miss you too, snot brain." I said giggling. Whenever I joke around with him I call him snot brain. The reason why? He has a lot of snot. Trust me. Watching him sleep is like watching a dog sleeping. Snot and saliva everywhere....

"Ugh never mind." Erick replied.

"Oh come on beast you know you cant live without your beauty." I remarked smugly. Only I can cheer him up. It's what brother and sisters do.

"Ha okay okay..." I could feel Erick smiling on the other line.

As me and Erick chatted more my eyes slid to the clock and my eyes almost popped out of my head.

"Erick! I have to go I'm gonna be late!" I exclaimed loudly and jumped up. We hung up and I ran up to my room. I only had about five minutes till school starts.

I grabbed phone and ran out. Locking the door I looked to my sides. As I neared my red Jeep, I noticed wolfs not far away from. They are still studying me. All month I tried to show them I mean no harm.

As I jumped in my car I looked through the pile of junk on the bottom of the seat. I took out a tube of mascara and red lipstick. I looked through the rearview mirror. I smeared lipstick on. Then I worked on mascara.

When I was satisfied I turned on the ignition and pulled out of my driveway. I drove in a hurry to get to class on time. My jeep was my baby. I've had him since I was 13. I never wrecked it. And if I had a little scratch on it... Let's just say I'm gonna go more furious than Erick and his Popsicle.

With only 1 minute to spare I ran into the school and dashed to the office. Locking my doors on my jeep. I flung open the door and walked in. Everyone that was in there stared at me with amusement and awe.

As I shuffled my way to the front desk I noticed guys nudging each other and smirking. I rolled my eyes. I may be pretty but no way will I fall for a guy. I need to keep myself ready if I find my mate. Only he will get my love and care.

I waited patiently till the desk lady came back from whatever she was doing. I was already late. I heard the last bell ring signaling class when I walked in.

"What's your name?" she said in a voice that sounded like a robot.

"Isabella McDaniel Reece." I mumbled. I knew my parents last name but I turned it down since I had Adam. I used his last name as mine. I am his daughter. No matter whom may have been my parents in the past.

"Okay just wait a moment. Sit." She motioned toward a chair on the far wall. I rolled my eyes and stormed over. I sat down and took out my phone. As I looked through my news feed on my facebook, a guy walked up to me.

My eyes slowly drifted upwards. "Hello?"

"Hello my name is Blade Flood. I am your tour manager for today." This guy had a piercing on his lip and he had long black hair. He was so skinny. And by the smells of it he's a human that does drugs.

"Thanks..." He handed me a paper and I took it. I scanned it quickly it was my schedule. I nodded and got up. "Well lets go."

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