Chapter 12

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I brought her up to my room. Closing the door behind us. I let her walk to the bed and she sat down. I stood there staring at her. She was so beautiful. My heart just loves her. My urges makes me just want to her here and claim her. Make her mine.

"Why... Why run away?" I asked running my hands through my hair. "Why run... Again?" I walked over to my couch and sat down. I put my head in my hands breathing hard.

"I... I don't know..." she said slowly. Her voice. It sounded so innocent so fragile. Like a kid. But she's full. Her body. Her chest everything about her... Is perfect. She's perfect for me.

"You're so stupid." I said. Something overcame me. I no longer can hold it back. She's stupid. She can't see that I am hers and she is mine. Forever. "Can't you see that your mine. Why? Why can't you fucking see that!" I yelled at her. I saw her cower. It only made me madder. I got up and stormed over to her. I grabber her arm to face me.

"Answer me!" I yelled out.

"I..." she choked and tears streamed down her face. She looked away from me.

"I'm sorry... I don't... I don't know why I did that." I said slowly. I looked from her and to my hand i let her go. I turned my back to her.

"It's okay. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I tried to escape." she said. I sighed and looked at her. I slowly leaned in my breath catching as I saw her eyes flutter to my lips. I slowly pulled a loose strand behind her ear. Her eyes fluttered close and she leaned in. Gently brushing her lips on mine.

I couldn't contain my emotions or excitement. She's beautiful. I felt her mouth open against mine. I was about to lean in to cover my mouth over hers when there was a knock.

I growled as she scooted away from me coughing. I wanted her. I was about to object when the knocking became urgent. I got up and stormed to the door.

When I stuck my head through I noticed it was Blakely.

"What do.... Didn't I send you below level?" I didn't want to talk to this slut. I have my mate to make her happy. To accept me.

"Rylan... Rylan baby you didn't mean it did you?" Blakely said twirling her hair around her fingers. I growled.

I looked back inside to see Isabella looking at me confused. I stepped out and closed the door behind me. I grabbed Blakely from the neck.

"Oh Rylan, yes!" I growled louder. This bitch needs to be taught a lesson.

"Not now, Blakely." I said firmly. She began pulling my shirt up. I pushed her hands away. I wanted so badly to slap her.

"Mmmmmm come..." before she can say anything I squeezed her neck tighter. She gulped and I let go. She breathed but the attacked me. Like literally. She began kissing me roughly. I began to gag. I grabbed her waist to pull her off when I heard a whimper that broke my heart.

I wrenched my mouth away from Blakely's. I turned and saw Isabella standing there her mouth covered by her hand. Her face made me stop breathing all together. I opened my mouth to tell her it's not what it looks like when she raised her hand silencing me.

She took off running. I shuffled to follow her when Blakely grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room. I grabbed her and flung her away. She rammed into the wall. She cried out and I charged at her. Grabbing her by the throat and held her up.

"I... Never hurt girls but you just passed the line, bitch!" I yelled at her. Her face was going purple her struggling started loosening. I growled and flung her down. She start breathing oxygen back in. Gulping it down. She coughed and looked up at me.

"I'm supposed..... To.. Be the Luna.." She said between ragged breathes.

I yanked her up by her hair. "You'll never be Luna." I spat to her. She started to howl in panic. I flung her out the door and slammed it shut. I sagged to the floor and weeped.

A lone and hurtful howl sounded far away. I climbed to my bed and fell asleep crying.

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