Chapter 13

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I slowly woke up. I was so comfortable. My body was feeling so good. I stretched out my arms and yawned. I slowly opened my eyes. As I looked around i felt someone move and groan. I automatically stopped. My face paled as I slowly got up. I turned and saw a head poking out of the covers. I covered my mouth to prevent me to stop screaming. Why would Brandon sleep with me?

I slowly slid out of the bed and tip toed to the door. I slowly opened it to prevent any creaks. My stomach was growling. Now that I was full awake I noticed I was super weak. My body was shutting down without the proper nutrition.

I sniffed the air. I couldn't smell the kitchen. I knew that it was on the lowest level. I went down the stairs and wandered in the hallway. I smelled eggs and is that bacon??? I yelped and jogged down the hall. I turned into a room and stopped. About 6 men were sitting down at the island. They all stopped and turned to me.

I blushed and looked down. I looked horrible no doubt about that. I still had Ryan's clothes on. My stomach decided to make it worse and growl. I heard them laugh. A chair scraped and I looked up. A guy whom I recognized, I do believe he is Ryan's beta, Alan got up.

He walked to the stove and grabbed a plate. He served me what looked like eggs, bacon and sausage. He filled up the plate. I licked my lips. He made his was towards me. I immediately snapped me head down.
"Here." Alan motioning the plate towards me. I gingerly took it and looked up at him.
"Thank you." I said.

"you can eat in the game room. Us and the guys are talking privately." Alan said turning to the guys.

I nodded my head and turned I hesitated and turned back to Alan. "Down the hall third door to your right." I smiled and scuffled away.

I made it to the room that Alan said and hopped onto a couch. I grabbed a remote and turned on the TV. I flipped through the channels. I turned to an action movie. It was about War. And this guy that survived it in a prison camp.

When I finished the whole plate I put it on the counter beside me. I laid down and watched the rest of the movie. I found myself tearing up at the end. The enemy's made the guys go into the water. They thought they were gonna die but it actually turned out that they won the war.

I even went and clapped excitedly. I smiled at the end. I went to grab the remote when it was grabbed by someone else. I squinted up to find Brandon smirking down to me.

"Now now, little Bella to much TV and you'll go crazy." He said smiling. I smirked back and punched his stomach. He let go of the control with a grunt. "Bitch." he growled out and fell on the couch on top of me.

I screamed and tried to push him off. "Ugh get off you bafoon!" I yelled out. He only laughed and stretched out.

"I don't know I'm rather comfy here." He laughed and I couldnt help but giggle with him. I flipped the channels till I found my favorite show, Steven Universe. "Oh come on really?" Brandon groaned out sitting up.

"Yes really." I said smiling. "Watermelon Stevens!" I yelled out as Steven found watermelons shaped as him.

"You are such a girl."

"Thank you." I said whacking him. I laid down with my head on his lap. Brandon absentmindedly started playing with my hair. I giggled as more hilarious episodes passed.

I was comfortable watching the movie when I was yanked up. I stumbled and fell down to the ground. My elbow hitting the desk beside the couch. I growled out and held my elbow.

"what the hell??" I screamed out turning. I stopped as I came to a back. I frowned and looked around the guy.

"Leave her alone!" I heard Brandon growl. I put my hand on his back to calm him down. I looked forward and came to face Rylan. I gasped and closed my eyes pressing my face to Brandon's back.

"She's my mate." Rylan growled out. His eyes were black and his canines and claws were out.

"You sure didn't show her with that slut." Brandon hissed out. I grabbed his arm and tugged on it. He looked down to me.

"It's okay. Let me talk to him." I said slowly. My eyes watering. Brandon looked from him to me. He slowly slide and walked behind me. Grabbing my shoulders. I nodded and faced Rylan.

"Alone." Rylan growled out. He sent daggers to Brandon with his eyes.

"No. He's staying." I said firmly, crossing my arms.

Rylan's eyes were on me now. He growled. I bit back a sob.

"What do you want?" I asked him not looking at his face.

"I want you." Rylan begged.

"you lost that chance, boy." Brandon growled out.

"I am you're alpha, Brandon. Don't push me." Rylan growled back.

"It's not like you can kick me out, Rylan." Brandon countered back.

"Shutup!" I hissed out. "Rylan get the hell away from me. I do not ever want to see you again." I said biting my tongue. It hurt so bad saying that.

"Isabella... Don't so this." Rylan said stretching out his hands to me. I turned away from him

"Should have thought about that before you kissed her." I pointed to the door. "Get out of my sight." I choked up and turned to Brandon. Burying my face in his chest.

I heard Rylan growl and walk away. My wolf howled for him to come back. I sighed and stood up tall.


"yes, Bella?"

"Let's go on a long run. Please?"

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