Chapter 16

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"How could you fuck up! A third time?!" I heard a familiar voice yell out. It sounded like Brandon. I tried to stir but my body will not cooperate.

"I... I don't know, dammit! This is not what I wanted to happen." His voice made me stop trying. I stopped and listened.

"You wanted it to be good? Well what do you expect the outcome to be? First you almost claimed her, second you kissed that slut in from of her! And third is the worst! You was choking her!" Brandon growled out I knew he was pacing the room because of the sounds of shuffling feet.

"Don't you think I already know that!! I've spent all day punching things. I am tired of keeping her away!" He countered back. I moved my head a bit to get rid of the ringing in my ear. I couldn't move my head. I started to panic. My hand reached up and touched the cast around my neck.

"Rylan get the hell out." Brandon said in a low voice. I heard a growl and the door slam open and close. "Isabella... You can wake up now. He's gone." I felt a hand lay on my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes to see brandon hovering over me.

"Why..." I said as a tear ran down my cheek. He used his thumb and brushed it off.

"I'm sorry, beautiful. It just happens." He picked me up and laid me on his lap. I tried to put my face in the crook of his neck When I noticed I couldn't move my neck I began to cry. We stayed there like that for the longest time till I heard a phone go off.

Brandon reached out and plucked a phone off from a drawer. He looked at the screen and put to his ear. "Hello?"

I heard a males voice from the other side of the line. I didn't pay any attention to it. "Yes... Now? Can it not wait?" I looked back up to Brandon's face. He had a confused look on but suddenly went pale. "How... How did that happen!?" He snarled clutching the phone tighter. "Dammit!" He threw the phone across the room. His eyes started watering, he leaned down and put his face in the crook of my neck. Or more like my cast. Sobs whacked his body as he cried. I sat there motionless. I didn't know what to do.

"Brandon.. What... What's wrong." I asked slowly pulling away. His face was red and his eyes were a silver like color. He was mourning. He was almost breaking.

"She... Shes gone..." I looked at him confused for a long while till it dawned me. Brittany. Something must of happened to her. She just died.

"Brandon... I'm so sorry." I brought him into a deep hug. He didn't move until he pushed me off of his lap. I fumbled and fell on the floor. My head rolled around to fast and I hissed in pain. I quickly got up and looked up at him. He didn't even looked apologetic.

"I have to go." He walked away slamming the door. I stood there and finally decided to just go lay back down. I sat on the corner of the bed and with some difficulty layed down. I stared up at the ceiling.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I replayed what happened last night. My mate tried to kill me. What affected me the most was that I didn't do anything. He choked me until I passed out and all I could do was throw a few little shoves. I blinked away the last of my tears. I sighed and started pondering. Why would a mate do that? Don't they love each other so much they can't leave one another.

He's an alpha. Alpha's are more protective. They lose there senses easily. Get angered past their breaking points. I scowled and looked around. My neck throbbed by the smallest jerk of the head. I growled, I am not going to be pushed around like this.

I am a capable werewolf I am not a toy. He will no longer do this to me. I noticed my body shaking but I kept fussing over everything.

Not taking a last look I ran out of the room. I slowly calmed down and leaned against a wall. My heart started to decrease. I wanted so badly to go take a long run. But I didn't know if my neck could cope with the run. I could possible hurt it even worse.

I finally figured to start heading home. I shouldn't be around a crazy mate. I slowly walked down the halls looking for a set of stairs. This floor seemed new to me. I knew it wasn't the alpha's ground nor where brandon sleeps. I looked around the hall and went back down the other side. I sighed when I saw the stairs and rapidly descended them.

I found myself in the lowest level. The level where the little boy blew my cover when I was escaping from Rylan. I was heading to the door where I left but stopped myself. I sniffed the air and looked back and caught a scent of food. I said my hand over my stomach. As if on cue a loud rumbling noise filled the empty hallway.

"By the sounds of it your hungry." I heard a woman say from behind me. I jumped and turned around. I yelped when the pain shot up my neck. "Be careful. Your still not healed." The woman said. I recognized her voice from when the incident happened.

"You're the one that stopped Rylan aren't you?" I asked her. I also noticed her when she was talking to Rylan on my second try to escape. Or was it my first..

I looked back at her and my mouth dropped. Rylan called this woman momma... She is Rylan's mother... The current Luna. But wouldn't I be the Luna? She still is until I get claimed. I am talking to the Luna.

I fumbled and fell on my knees. "Luna forgive me." I looked back up to her to see her holding in her laughter. In less than 5 seconds laughter filled the hallway and I sat there on my knees more confused than ever.

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