Chapter 17

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I sat there still dazed and confused. I didn't know whether to laugh with her or cry. She motioned me to get up. I scrambled up.

"Honey I am not the Luna. You are. I am simply the motherly figure to Rylan. I'm Amari." She grabbed my hand and shook it. She stood there until she finally wrapped me in a hug. I slowly hugged her back. She tugged on my arm and led me to the kitchen. "You must be starving."

I smiled and nodded. "very." She smiled and led me into the kitchen. She grabbed a bowl and filled it with what looked like some kind of soup. She went and grabbed me a spoon and handed it to me. I smiled and took it with a thank you.

I immediately began to eat. I refrained myself from making moaning noises. The soup tasted amazing. In less than 5 minutes I finished. Amari grabbed my plate and filled it up again. Once I began to eat again she started talking.

"Isabella, I hope you're feelings for Rylan didn't change. He's a great boy." She patted my hand and I looked up at her. She sighed and looked out the window. "He's had a rough life. First her mother died and then his father locked himself away in his room. He has never came out." He looked down at her hands. "Ive tried to get him out. He doesn't want to go. Rylan has been through a lot. I've actually been waiting for his mate to come. Yes, he may have done stupid things.." She trailed off as she noticed my cast again. "Reckless stuff... But... He's tried so many times to stop. He's always coming to me and telling me how beautiful you are. He loves you dearly."

I only sat there looking down at the half finished bowl. Tears were threatening to spill once again. I shook my head and looked back up to Amari.

"You may not believe me but he does. Don't let his actions change your mind. Just give him time. He is an alpha after all. It's harder for him to control his anger but give him time. He will soon be the mate youve always wanted. The goddess out you together for a reason right?" She smiled and got up. "Be safe, Isabella, and think about it." with another smile she left the kitchen. I numbly sat there my lips parted.

I gave him many chances. Should I really give him another? I ate the rest of my soup and walked to the sink. I washed it and dried it putting it back from where Amari took it out of. I leaned on the counter and thought.

A small cough made me look up. A little boy stood before me. I recognized him also. The traitor. I smile formed on my lips. "Well well well look at the boy who blew my cover." I smirked and squatted down.

"You are bubbis mathe.." He said in an adorable voice. He slurred his voice a lot. I smiled and nodded. I tried to not grimace.

"Yes I am." He walked up to me and touched my cast.

"What happens to your necks?" He asked. I looked away and then faced him again.

"I fell. Clumsy me. So what's your name little one?" I quickly changed the subject.

"My names little bear." He said with a toothy smile. I giggled.

"Oh really?" He began to open his mouth when a voice interupted him.

"His name is Toby." I froze and looked up. Rylan stood by the doorway. Leaning on the frame. From here I can see his perfectly sculpted biceps bulging from his shirt. His dark hair stood out everywhere making him look sexier. His eyes had dark spots under them from the lack of sleep. I quickly looked away and stood up.

"Hello, Isabella." He said. His voice was husky and it made me want to shiver in delight.

"Hi..." I breathed out. Toby ran out of the room and I frowned. Once again traitor.

"May we talk?" He asked stepping into the room. I looked at him and then down to my hands. Which was awkward because I could only move my eyes. So I just focused on the counter.

"Why?" I heard him sigh.

"Isabella... I made a mistake I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I cannot live without you." He said desperately.

"You almost killed me..." My hand crept back up to my cast.

"And it was the most stupidest thing Ive done. I never meant to hurt you." He ran his hand through his hair making it ruffle up. "It's just... What you said made my wolf come out. I needed to claim you. Its just so hard to keep in control when you make it so difficult. Forgive me."

I took a step forward and looked up at him. I glared at him. Before I knew it my hand flew back and came back and slapped him. His head snapped to the side. My hand stung so I hope it hurt him too. Then I hugged him. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

Rylan stood there confused but seconds later wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. He kissed the top of my head. "Thank you, Isabella... And I guess I deserved that." He chuckled making his chest vibrate. I smiled. I pulled away and took three steps back.

"I need to go home." I simply said looking down at my feet. I didn't know what his reaction will be.

"As you wish, just..." I looked up awaiting his response. "Let me drive you." I smiled that he let me leave. I nodded and we turned and walked outside.

We hopped into his truck. We made the way back to my place. We passed the school and noticed my jeep was gone. They must have towed it away. Sighing I turned back to Rylan. He smiled at me and then turned back to the road. I pointed and gave him directions to my house. When we made it I gasped.

The whole place was a wreck. The porch and lawn was a wreck. Scratch marks everywhere. There must have been a lot of wolves. I could feel tears threatening to come out.

I unbuckled my seat belt and ran out into my house. My front door was blown from it's hinges. I cautiously stepped inside. I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"Let go." I said and buckled in Rylan's grip.

"They may still be in there stay here I'll be right back." Rylan stepped inside. I stood in the doorway biting my nails till he came back. He nodded that the house was clear. I ran inside and up the stairs to my room. Flinging it open I cried out. Everything I treasured was gone. My stuff layed ruined in the ground. I fell to my knees crying. I slowly inched my way to my drawer.

I slid open the top drawer and reached inside. I couldn't feel it. I looked inside and began tearing inside of it. Nothing. I flung the drawer out and dumped out the stuff inside. I stood up shaking. Looking around the room I began to dig everywhere. A flutter by my mirror made me look up.

A picture fluttered on the mirror. I slowly inched my closer. It was the picture of me and my family when I was a child. I cried out as I saw my face marked out. Scratches filled my whole face.

I noticed there was writing in the back. I plucked the picture and looked at the back. Two words that made me black out in fear. Only two words that I knew what my destination will be.

You're next.

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