Chapter 15

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That bitch just does not shutup. Her screaming is ringing in my ear. We've been at it for a while now. She attacked me with her fake nails trying to scratch me. With one kick she fell, the heels that she has on didn't help. She fumbled and fell on her ass. I jumped on her and pushed her back. She screamed and yelled loudly. I punched her jaw.

"Get off me you slut! " She yelled on top of her lungs. She reached up and grabbed my shoulder I yanked her hand off and held them down with one hand. She escaped and I grabbed her neck.

"You came onto me!" I said banging her head on the ground. I punched her in the face. Blood dribbled down her face. Her makeup already was staining her face. Her tears made her mascara run down her eyes looking creepy.

"Because you took my boyfriend away!" She yelled back. Shes been trying to get a hold of my hair. Her tries made me laugh.

Already people are beginning to get out of their rooms, wondering what all the noise is. No wonder they've seen fights. Most of them went back inside. Others stayed behind curious on what was happening that started all this. "Boyfriend!? Bitch he's mine!" I yelled at her yanking on her hair.

"In a million years! I'm your fucking..." I punched her in the face.

"Luna?? Honey he doesn't want you!" I growled at her. My canines seeking out.

"Isabella!" I heard a familiar voice yell. My body became ridged. I looked back, there stood my supposed mate, Rylan. My wolf perked up and wanted to jump into his arms.

"Rylan baby get this bitch off of me!" Blakely yelled out. I growled and punched her. Her head flew back and there was a sickening crunch. She whimpered and screamed.

"Isabella..." His voice made me turn again. My heart fluttered as I saw him staring at me. My wolf howled to be with him. I can smell him and it's making my wolf aroused.

I heard a grunt and turned back around to get nailed in the face. I hissed and looked back down. Blakely caught on to my distraction and nailed me in the jaw. I got up and grabbed her by her hair. I dragged her down the hall. People spreaded out to let me through. Nobody stopped me.

I pulled her to the stairs and kicked her down. She fell down the stairs and finally stopped at the second level. She was battered up and blood poured from her mouth and nose.

"He's mine." I snarled loudly. My wolf growled out. She also agreed with me.

I turned around and came face to face with Rylan.

"Come with me." He growled. Grabbing my arm and yanking me up the stairs. I reluctantly followed. The crowd slowly dissapeared back into their rooms.

We made it up two flights went into the last door to the right. It had double doors. We walked in and I looked around it was his office. I slowly closed the doors and cleared my throat.

I slowly focused back at Rylan. He was stopped over his desk. He was breathing heavily.

"Rylan?" I said slowly. I took a step forward. Rylan turned around. His eyes were pitch black. A shiver ran down my spine.

"I can't.... I can't lose control.." He pinched the bridge of his nose. He ran his hand through his hair making it stick everywhere. "You make it.. So hard." He clenched his fist.

I don't know what made me say these last words but trust me it even surprised me.
"Then lose control." the words left my mouth before I can stop them. Why did I just say that. I clamped my mouth shut.

Rylan looked up at me. His eyes turned darker, if possible. With three long strides he had me pinned against the door.

My heart began speeding up and tingles erupted up my arms. Rylan growled in pleasure. He bent down crashing his lips on mine.

My lips tingled at the touch of him. His hands slid down my sides exploring my body. His arms pulled me closer and with one hand he cupped my left breast. I gasped and he took the moment to slid his tongue into my mouth.

"Rylan..." I breathed out. "Stop. I'm... I'm scared." I started to buckle in his grasp. I heard him growl and I began hyperventilating. I tried pushing him but it wouldn't work.

"You're not escaping right now." He growled out. I felt him shaking.

"Get the hell off, Rylan!" I started shoving him. He only growled and snapped at me. I froze in fear. Ryan's hand crawled up to my neck. He squeezed it and I choked out. "Fuck you, Rylan." I gasped out. As soon as they left it I regretted it.

He growled out and clamped his hand right on my neck. He raised me above the ground. He was choking me my hands crawled my hands up to his hands. I spluttered and started trying to gulp down oxygen. Black dots danced around my vision.

My fighting slowed down my neck felt like it was a heart. Pulsing so fast. My face felt hot from not being able to breathe. I slowly stopped fighting and just hung there. My head rolled back and I tried opening my mouth but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. I just hung there. Letting Rylan choke me.

"Honey, I'm.... Ry?" I heard someone yell out. I heard a woman screamed. He growled and clamped tighter. "Someone! Help please! Derick!" The woman yelled out.

"Rylan step away from the girl." a man yelled out. "Rylan, fuck... get me some men. Now." A hand gripped his shoulder and tried prying Rylan off of me. I lazily opened my eyes and my vision was blurry.

Soon more hands forced Rylan off. What seemed like eternity they pulled him off. He growled out and snapped at them. I slide down to the ground. My cheek was pressed on the cold, hard granite floor. I slowly tried to breathe in oxygen. I was slowly breathing in small irregular pants. My eyes slowly fluttered close. Right now all I want to do is go to sleep.

"Wake up. Don't go to sleep honey." A woman cooed to me. She was rubbing my back gently. I smiled and lost conscious.

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