Chapter 6

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'is she changed?' I mindlinked my beta, Alan. He's out watching a she-wolf that's in our territory. She's been here for a month and she hasn't done anything. But these stupid rogues are getting in my way. It's about time they leave us alone.

'I don't know, sir. She's leaving her house right now. I heard her talking over the phone. Something about wanting to start over?' Rylan barked with laughter. This she wolf will only make matters worse. She needs to be off his lands.

'When you get the chance get her. Im busy when you have the chance bring her. Check up on me when you got her.'

'Yes sir' With that I turned off my communication. I laid back on my chair. I've been in my office for the past 5 hours.

There was been a lot of rogue sightings. They've been down south but slowly coming our way. I need to make a stop to it to save my pack, the whitestones.

I got up and stretched my arms out. I slid my hand through my hair. With a sigh I walked out of my office. As I went down the hall the door to my right opened.

A naked Blakely walked out. "Alpha!" She smiled and waved. Lust grew in her eyes. I held my gaze steady. I could feel part of my wanting to look down.

"Blakely." I nodded. She walked up to me and grabbed my shirt. She pulled me towards her room. I growled. "Stop it mutt." I roughly grabbed her filthy hand and yanked it off.

"But alpha. It's about time you just lay back and relax." She grabbed my waist her hands slowly sliding up my shirt. "Besides I can make you feel better." her hands still clawed up. My wolf growled to get her hands off.

Mate. Not mate. Get. Off! He growled in my head. I nodded in agreement. I grabbed blakely's shoulders and pushed her back. She stumbled and fell to the floor. Her eyes flashed red but cooled back down.

"Alpha, baby what's wrong?" She said getting back up.

"Do not touch me again, whore." I growled out. Hurt flashed through her eyes. "Now I want you outta this level, understood? You move down to the omega level." Her mouth dropped open.

"But Rylan! I am not an omega!" She screamed running at me. She held my shirt tears falling down her cheeks.

"Well you should have thought about that before you came on to me. You have one day, Blakely." I growled and turned. Walking away. "Oh and put on some damn clothes. You are not sexy." I said turning around. When I saw her look angry I chuckled and left.

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Amari, momma." I said smiling. Amari was my caretaker since I was a pup. I may be a stern alpha but when it came to Amari I was putty in her hands. She raised me by herself after my mother passed away. My father took shelter in his room and hasn't came out. It's been a year already.

She was killed when she went to her camp. She had her own camp where kids could go and learn to fight. When there was a fire in one of the cabins she jumped in and immediately helped the kids. Only one got killed in the fire. My mother went to go save him when the whole place came crashing down. I still miss her dearly but I can't do anything about it. What is done is done.

"Ry honey, how is everything going? Rogues still heading this way?" She whispered the last part. We haven't told our pack yet. They would freak out and mayhem will break loose.

"Still far away, momma." I said nodding. I went over and kissed her forhead. She has always been my mother figure.

"That's good honey. And what is happening with the rogue?" She asked smoothing down my hair. No doubt about it is it messy and poking out everywhere.

"Alan, my third in command and two other guys are out there. They are trying to figure out how to catch her as we speak." I said sighing. "See if she has anything to do with the rogues coming."

Amari pulled her eyebrows together. "Poor lass." She always had a heart out for those she wolfs. She says that it's hard to be out there alone.

"No poor lass, momma. She can be a killer for all we know." I said snorting. I went over to the fridge and opened it up. I stuck my head in but found it empty. "Momma I'm hungry anything to eat?"

"I was just about to make chicken Alfredo, Ry. Wants some?" I turned around and smirked. "I guess that's a yes?" I winked at her and she smiled. Reaching out into the cabinets and pulling out all the stuff. "Eat an apple to control your hunger. I can hear you stomach from here."

I reached out and grabbed a package of cookies. "I said apple, I said apple!" Amari came at me with a wooden spoon. I jumped and jogged away. "Boy I outta!" I heard her yell out.

"You know you love me momma!" I yelled out. All I heard was muttering and I laughed. Only momma can make me laugh. I started munching on my cookies and walking down to the back patio.

I was munching happily when I got tackled by a mean hairy bear. "Oh help help!" I yelled out and grabbed the fur ball. "I'm being eaten!" I laughed as my little brother Toby kept trying to bite my arm. I raised him up in the air. "Never mind I got him." I chuckled as Toby scrunched up his face.

"No far bubi I wuntd too bit yuh." Toby crossed his arms. Looking up at me madly. I smiled and put him down. I picked up my fallen Cookie packet and held it out to him, winking.

"Don't tell momma okay?" He giggled and nodded figuriosly.

"Don't tell me what?" momma said poking her head out the kitchen door.

Me and Toby looked at each other. "Rub!!!" Toby yelled climbing the steps as fast as he could. I laughed and walked away.

'We got her sir.' Alan said through mindlink. I smiled time to have some fun.

'Bring her to the cell." I jogged up the stairs and went to go change shirts to get rid of Blakely's scent. I threw down the shirt when I heard a scream from downstairs. I forgot all about my shirt and ran down the stairs in a hurry.

Toby stood at the end of the stairs crying. Momma stood hands on her hips with the cookies in her hands. I slowly edged around and ran down the hallway. As I passed the kitchen magnificent smell hit my nose. And it was not the Alfredo.

It had a bit of orange and honey swirled in it. I took a long wiff and it was mixed with blood. I growled. My wolf was on edge. He started pacing.

Mine. Go. Follow. Now! It roared in my head. What the hell is he talking about? I followed the excruciatingly good smell down the the cell.

I saw Alan and the two guys. Alan had blood and it smelled like that wonderful scent that's making me go crazy. I growled loudly.

The smell was more stronger in the cell. I grabbed Alan and threw him he immediately jumped and landed on his feet. I grabbed the handle and pushed hard. It made a loud bang. My eyes looked around and I saw someone huddled in a corner.

When she raised her head I literally almost fell to my knees. I choked as I saw the most beautiful girl in the corner.

My wolf howled one word that spent my world spinning like a top.


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