Chapter 4

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A few minutes later I was in front of my homeroom class. I reached down and made sure I had my silver knife in my boot.

I nodded when I felt the cool blade hit my fingers. I always had wool cover the hilt of all my knives so I don't get burned. It won't affect me as much as a full-blooded wolf but it does leave a nasty burn. Adam always told me to keep safe. I couldn't fight will good but he said a little silver can't hurt to carry around. It's for my protection. And I don't want to die this early in life.

As I turned the handle of the classroom door, I took a deep breathe and walked in. Everyone seemed to stop what they are doing and look up at me. I held each and every person in eye view to know that I mean no harm.

I stood there for a while till the teacher cleared his throat. My eyes turned to focus on him. I cocked my head. "What is your name?"

"Bella." I said. I grinned when he looked nervous under my skeptical look.

"Take a seat Bella." he cleared his throat again and turned around to face the board.
I stood there for about 10 seconds then walked to the back of the room. As I sat down a girl by my left smiled and waved. When I turned my attention she opened her mouth to talk. I cut her off by raising my hand to stop her from talking.

She slammed her mouth shut and blushed. She turned away from me looking dissapointed. I am not here for games or friends. Especially not friends. I lost them all in that attack. And I do not plan on reliving it or getting attached to any human or animal. I just needed protection. I took a deep breathe. I need protection.

"Dude she's hot." I heard a kid whisper. A werewolf to be exact. I growled lightly and everyone turned to face me. I immediately began to put up borders. Big mistake Bella.

I glared at them till they turned back around. My eyes focused on the guy that called me hot and he immediately turned around noticing my glares. Adam always tells me to act intimidating so they won't pick on you. At home I may be a nice innocent girl. On contrary, in public I can be ruthless. Inside i would be scared but in the outside I can tear you down.

As the day continued to be annoying and a lot of guys continued to hit on me it bothered me. I avoided anyone who tried to talk to me.

I leaned back and stared off to space. It is already the hour before lunch. My stomach was growling to be fed.

I was currently drawing on my desk. I sketched a wolf. Howling at the moon. It's eyes glowing bright. His fur was grey.

As I continued to sketch I noticed people watching me. Goosebumps rose as a looked up. The teacher loomed over me.

"What are you doing, miss Reece?" He raised an eyebrow. I mentally cursed him.

"What does it look like?" I said sweetly batting my lashes.

"Looks like your going to the office for vandalism on school property." He said and pointed to the door. I scrunched my nose and got up.

"Gladly." I walked away stomping my feet. When i got to the door I turned and smiled. With a wink I turned and left slamming the door in the progress.

I didn't even bother heading to the office. I walked out into the parking lot. I walked calmly to my jeep. As I heard the beautiful noise of my car unlocking my eyes scanned to the back. A small but noticeable dent was there. I sighed and turned and punched the door on a silver Mercedes.

"Hey you bitch!" I heard a guy yell. I was trembling with anger. I did not have time for this. First of all I need to kill someone for my jeep. Second of all I could care less who treats me bad. But that teacher has not right to send me off. I was only sketching. The school already looks like a dump. Why care for a little drawing?

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