Chapter 14

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After about 5 hours of running we ran back to the pack house. I was drenched in sweat and sticky. I was ready for a shower.
"Hey where am I going to sleep?" I asked Brandon as we walked back in house. He lent me his jacket to cover myself. He had loose shorts on.

"You can sleep at my place again." He said stretching.

"No, not again." I answered stretching my own bones. I did not want to be that close to him again.

"Well... I don't know. There's the game room? I'll let you sleep in the guest room but he won't approve." I nodded understanding who 'he' was.

"I guess. Beats sleeping outside." We climbed the stairs to his room. He was gonna lend me some clothes. I haven't left to my house because some part of me doesn't want to leave.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I asked as we climbed to the second set of stairs.

"What?" He nudged my shoulder and smirked. "You want some of this." He motioned his body. I automatically stopped in my tracks. I kneeled over and heaved. I pretended to puke. When I look back up to Brandon his face was priceless. "you could have said just no.'' He turned and walked away.

I smiled and jogged up the stairs and hopped on his back. He stumbled and almost lost footing but caught himself on the hand rail.

"come on now, any girl will want you." I said patting his head. "Just not me." He chuckled and started racing up the stairs. I was screaming and laughing all the way up.

"So what did you want to ask me?" He asked as we made it to his door. I hopped off his back.

"I can't remember..." I stood there whacking my head for that question. Brandon chuckled and opened the door. We walked in and I hopped on the bed.

"I'll be right back. Im going to take a shower first then you can." Brandon said walking up to me. I nodded and smiled. He leaned down and kissed my forhead. "Just yell if you need me.''

"Thanks." He stepped out of the room and down the hallway. Brandon's the only one that has been there for me. Considering I only know him for almost a day.

I got up and walked aimlessly around the room. I stepped into his closet and found a bunch of clothes. Not as much as Rylan's but it was enough to make me envy him.

I heard the door open and close. I smirked. "That fast? You must stink..." I trailed off as I noticed a girl. She stopped and stared at me wide eyed.

"Who... Who are you?" She said slowly. I opened my mouth and closed it. She was wearing a short, yellow summer dress. It clung to her body perfectly.

"I'm... I'm brandons friend." I said stepping out of his closet. "And you?"

"Well I did think I was his girlfriend.. But I can see that I may change my mind.'' She looked down to the ground. Her shoulders sagged. "Don't tell me... Your his mate." She bit her lip to prevent from sobbing. Her eyes glistened, meaning she was about to cry at any second.

"Oh no! He's only a friend. He's temporarily helping me in situation involving my.... My mate." It was hard saying those last words.

"Oh" was her bright response. She looked around the room. "Where is he by the way?"

"He went to take a shower. We went for a run." I said looking at the door. I smiled at her. "You're gorgeous."

She blushed and went to go sit on a nearby chair. She fiddled with her fingers. "Thank you." She smiled at me.

"Brandon's lucky. So your not his  mate?" I walked to the bed and sat down. She shook her head slowly. "Aw the sucks. My mate hes a complete...." I didn't know how to explain what Rylan was.

"Moron?" The girl said smirking.

"Took the words right out of my mouth.'' I said laughing. "What's your name?"

"Brittany. Yours?"

"Isabella." I answered. The door creaked open.

"Go take a shower stinky... Britt?" Brandon asked smiling. He rushed to her and she hugged him. "Your so early. I thought you were coming tomorrow?"

Brittany laughed and shook her head. "Major said that there was trouble so he sent us back." She pecked his lips and he smiled.

"Oh yeah, Brittany this is my friend Isabella. Isabella this is my beautiful girlfriend Brittany."

"We know." I said smirking.

"Oh good. She is in the army. Well not army more like wolf protectors?...." He trailed off glancing at her.

"Technically, I'm in patrol. I go and find people that may cause mayhem in our pack. I'm an important part of this pack." She said smiling, proudly. Brandon mouthed not really behind her.

I laughed and shook my head. "impressive. I'm proud of you."

"You stink go take a shower." Brandon said waving his hand by his nose. I frowned at him.

"Here I have some clothes I bet Brandon's are baggy. " Brittany ran over to the closet and pulled out a suitcase she opened it and brought out panties and a bra. She threw it at me and I caught it. I glanced at brandon to see him frowning.

"Brittany I love that bra. You look sexy in that. Don't give it to her. Shell make it stretch." He said crossing his arms.

"Brad Shutup." Brittany glared at him. She reached back in and took out short shorts and a tanktop. "This is the smallest I have here." She handed them to me and I smiled.

"Thank you." She shooed me out of the room and I smiled. I walked to the bathroom and knocked. When I was certain nobody was inside I opened the door and walked in.

I made sure to scrub my body good to get rid of all the smell. When I was certain I was clean I got out and thankfully this time they had towels. I dried my self and slipped into the clothes Brittany lent me.

I brushed my hair using a comb that was lying on the counter. I dug threw the drawers and found a new deodorant. I unwrapped it and put some on. I sighed as the feeling of being fresh consumed me.

After I was done I put everything back. I sighed and stepped out of the bathroom. I came face to face with the skank herself. Blakely. My wolf growled.

"You!" Blakely yelled out. I growled. "Bitch!" Then she lunged for me.

War (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora