The Beginning

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Alexa was down to the dining table with all of her documents scattered. She had given off to the staff today because when she tends to overthink some topics. She could not stay in her secluded office. She had to come down and roam around the house with her mind wide open for different opportunities and Due to security reasons, she could not allow her workers in house.

"What the heck?" Alexa said frustrated. She had woken up at 4 am and was sitting there for 4 hrs. straight and she was worried she still doesn't find any consolidate position about Pedro.

She sighed and put her head on the table. 


Domenic was the first one that had come down to dining wondering why there was none in there. When he came to dining, he saw the white papers scattered here and there on all over the table and his little sister sleeping on the chair. He patted her head and went to take some documents from the table. There was no doubt that information was indeed about Pedro and his latest sightings.

He took another seat beside Alexa and started reading the documents when he was startled by voice.

"Good morn-" Emiliano was shushed by Domenic who pointed towards the sleeping Alexa and then to documents.

Emiliano silently went to kitchen and bought to two steaming cups of coffee for him and his brother and started to help his brother to read the reports. One by one all of her brothers came and took the respected seats. Alexa was in such a deep sleep due to medications that Eli had prescribed her after knowing her lack of sleep.  

After one hour of working. Alexa was awake but still lying down. Domenic was first one noticing it and he smiled and patted her head.

"Good morning bubbs" Alexa mumbled. As cheesy as it sounds but Alexa loved calling him that. It makes her feel like she is home again.

"Good morning, Alexandra" Domenic replied. Alexa rolled her eyes.

still so stoic

"Good morning baby sister" A chorus of good morning was heard from other brothers.

"I am not a baby." Alexa replied rubbing her eyes with her hands making whole table laugh.

"I see you all had gone through papers. Any leads?" Alexa voice turned serious.

"Pedro had made allies with Russians. They are second biggest after us. Our grandfather had made negotiation pact with them to stop the war. But lately, our relations with them are hanging on thin wire." Eli pointed out.

" Probably because of the Pedro" Gio said

"Bingo" Antonio said

"He has been seen going in and out of Rosa Cafe which is the prime place for meetings with Russians" Alfonzo added.

"But how did he become so much powerful that he could sway the whole mafia. Why would they listen to a former damn bodyguard" Giovanni asked

"From His Assassination group. The blades" Alexandra said

"What? The blades were his group?" Eli questioned.

" The blades as in the ruthless assassin group with 10 assassins who showed up 4 years back almost wiping every man listed on the mafia hitlist" Antonio Summed up.

"You got to be kidding me? That baboon managed to get hands on the deadliest group?" Giovanni said

"No, he made that" Alexandra clarified

"Your information is wrong. Do you know about Platinum Blade? He is known to be Grim reaper alive." Antonio said

"Enough. If Alexa is right and he still have the blades underneath him. It will just make it much more difficult to win against him." Domenic said

Everyone nodded.

"The group had been collapsed as far as I know but the world is unaware with that so Pedro could use their signed contracts as the proof that he owns the blades making him invincible even he does not hold the same power as before" Alexandra added

"He is fooling Russians to come against us." Alfonzo said

"Yes" Alexandra confirmed

"What about Chinese? They will never come with us" Gio said

"We don't need them we have English mafia as well as Apex " Alexandra said

"It is just turning out to be a war. The last mafia stands, it wins." Antonio sighed 

"You could back out." Alexandra said making everyone head snap towards her.

"I mean it, my apex will be annihilated that's for sure, but I will still make them bow down to the knees. You all could attack them at that time and viola you won all your enemies at one go" Alexandra added

"Are you still saying that?  We are your family dammit." Gio said agitated

"It was just a thought" Alexandra said raising both her hands in surrender when she saw all her brothers giving the same looks.

"Maybe we could just find the "The Blades" and ask them to give the explanation about it. After all, He is tainting their name too" Eli asked

"No! we will not. They are not normal assassins." Alexa said 

"Yes, but this is no normal war. It's the dead end ahead. Why don't we take our chances?" Antonio said

"We will not. You don't understand. Do you think they would simply come out and give the explanation about everything? " Alexa said

"We could just lure them to come out." Alfonzo said

"We will not do anything like that." Alexandra said

"I think, maybe we should do this" Domenic said

"No!" Alexa countered

"Yes! Maybe if we will find Platinum blade. He is the leader. He would know about his cult." Antonio could not even complete the sentence

"You are all going insane." Alexa said

"Maybe you should leave this to us? It would be quite disturbing for you." Eli said

" Are you doubting my capabilities?" Alexandra asked

"Never! No matter what you say, you are still 19-year-old, and I really did not want my sister to go about finding information about some mad killers" Eli said

"I already know all the information." Alexandra said making everyone shocked

"Alexa, did you make any deal with them?" Antonio asked worried

"Because they have a rule-" Gio added

"A life for a Life. I know. I made it" Alexa sighed

"Wait what?" Eli asked 

Hope you like the chapter. 



"Sorry for not any convo. I am a bit socially awkward person but drop a heart in comments if you are too!"

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