Chapter 12

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The gang got to the window they were looking for and climbed through the open space.

Cornelia saw them and said "You startled me".

"We're sorry, young lady. We're here to pay Mr Clavier Ankh a little unexpected visit. This is his apartment, isn't it?" said Batman.

"Uncle Clavier's in the library. May I ask who's calling?" said Cornelia.

"Batman and Robin" said Batman.

"And the Three Warriors. I'm Calvin O'Keeffe"

"I'm Sam Pan" 

"And I'm Charles Wallace Murry".

"Oh, yes. This way, please" said Cornelia.

She walked out the door with the guys waiting behind.

"The girl from the fur salon" said Robin.

"You're right, Robin. This could be a trap" said Sam.

"He who knows how to fear knows how to proceed with safety. A translation from Latin" said Batman.

The guys followed Cornelia to a dead end.

"Maybe I should have told you. The library is in the cellar" said Cornelia.

She pushed a button on the wall and the gang fell through a trapdoor and slid into boxes!

The Joker took them into another room and prepared their traps.

"To make this human key duplicator, I also made some brilliant changes and innovations. But I'm sure you understand the basic principles, Batman. You are in this vise. A duplicate blank key is in this vise. And when I activate the motor, and the vises start turning, that cutting blade will do its grooviest work on you" the Joker explained.

"You monster!" Robin growled.

"A grown man like me should be prepared to meet his maker at any time. Be that a lesson to you, Warriors" said Batman.

"We will, Batman, we will. We'll all be prepared when we're grown" said Charles Wallace.

"But they're not old enough to meet their makers yet, Joker. Not even Robin" said Batman.

"Batman's right. What diabolical plan do you have for us?" said Calvin.

"One by one, a wax spray job. Somewhat similar to what you get when you have the Batmobile washed. It takes a week or so for the wax to harden properly. Until then, who knows? A notched key for a lock with many wards, hmm?" said the Joker. 

"Do I have to watch all this, Joker? Their reflection's icky" said Cornelia.

"Oh, not if it makes you squeamish, Cornelia. Alright, to the wax spray chamber for these four. The Boy Wonder first, and start with a light spray" said the Joker. 

Latch and Bolt locked Robin in the chamber and turned on the spraying faucet.

"What are you doing to him?!" Sam shouted.

"Correction, dear Sam. What will we do to him? When every pore in his body is filled with wax, we'll apply a heavier coating. Now let's get the skeletonizing process over with, Batman, while you're all keyed up. Have you a last word for posterity?" said the Joker.

"Only this, Joker. Evil sometimes triumphs temporarily but never conquers" said Batman.

"If I have time, Batman, I'll see that that is properly engraved on your tombstone. In the meantime..." said the Joker.

He flipped a switch and turned on the motor. 

Is there any key to the solution of this monstrous scheme? 

Will Batman really be skeletonized and Robin waxed and then notched??

Keep keen edged, keen witted and keep watching! 

Very soon! Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!

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