Chapter 15

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Warning - mature language & mild sex****{Your POV}

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Warning - mature language & mild sex
{Your POV}


Sam and West walked me out of the mansion into the now night cool breeze. When we arrived the sun was going down and the lights were just turning on. Now, everyone was lit up and it looked like Christmas.

"Eric has gone to get Mr. Evans" West informed me.

I knew I should have got a coat or something to cover me up, I was freezing. There were people everywhere, men smoking in the far distance their smoke filling the air. I even saw one couple getting dirty around the mansion corner. Not very clever of them unless they wanted people to notice.

I wrapped my arms around myself. "Are you alright?" Sam asked.

"I'm just cold, that's all"

"Here take my jacket" he began to take his suit jacket off

"No, thank you. I don't want you to get in trouble and I don't want others to think something is going on between me and my guard"

He nodded with a sad smile. "As you wish, Miss. Romano"

"I am sure, Chris will be out soon" I said.

That's when I saw him again. Waiting for his ride to arrive and in the meantime, smoking a cigar. Puffing out the smoke into the night air. He looked over at me and we made eye contact once again like inside not that long ago. It intrigued me about what his guard said. How he knew who I was way before.

"West, can I bother you to do something for me?" I questioned, without taking my eyes off the man.

"Anything, Miss. Romano"

I leaned in and West bowed his head to my level. "You see that man standing over there, I was wondering if you could look into it for me. Something seems off and I want to know what it is"

"Miss Romano, are you sure that is a good idea? why don't you wait for Mr. Evans and he can talk with the man?" West mentioned.

I straightened up and waved my hand for West to move. Once he did, I began walking to the man. Hearing both Sam and West calling out to me, but I chose to ignore them. I wanted to know what this man's problem was with me and how he knew me.

As I reached him, his car arrived and the guard from early stepped out and walked over to his boss. Now, West and Sam were by my side.

"Hello, I don't think we've met. I am..."

He cut me off "Miss. Romano, I know exactly who you are" his voice sounding, sexual and deep. His grey eyes looking straight into my blue ones.

I kept my composure "How do you know me, if I can ask the question?"

"Just like everyone else in this world. Through rumours and gossip"

"Yet, your guard said you knew me before all that. I want to know how?" I said, standing my ground. "Because to me, it sounds creepy and I've had my fair share of it"

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