Chapter 53

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{Sebastian's POV}

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{Sebastian's POV}

{A Month Later}

"We are no closer to finding her or Zakaria then what we were a month ago, Sebastian" Chris boomed his voice in the office.

I scratched my head, running my fingers through my hair. "Don't come blaming me for this failure"

"I wasn't blaming anyone"

"Camila gave you the information you wanted and told you exactly what you needed to know in where they were"

"Yeah and now that bitch is in our basement" he said.

"You're a ruthless man, Christopher. Even I wouldn't have done that. She did tell you where they were, it's not her fault that they had suddenly got up and left"

"She knows more than she leads on. Just because they moved, doesn't mean she doesn't know where they might have gone. Camila must have some clue on it."

"Christopher, as mush as you want to find her, this isn't the way"

"Not this bullshit again. I haven't tortured Camila. She's in the basement, alive."

"Where she isn't allowed to come out unless she has an escort from one of our men." I noticed his blue eyes starting to change to black. I had to defuse this situation quickly. "None the less, we need a new plan. Oscar has worked for Zakaria for years, he should know something"

"I wouldn't trust that bastard with anything. All I know, is he would have led Zakaria here in the first place"

"Give the guy a break"

Chris snorts. "Do you honestly trust him?

"No, I don't. He is y/n's friend and the only one who truly knows her. If she trusts him, then that's good enough. He will be good to get information from." I stood up and collected my phone, wallet and keys from the desk

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to get fresh air and maybe go to the office at the club"

"Do you think this is the time to get blow off?"

"If you're suggesting that I'll go fuck someone, the only one I want to fuck isn't here. I am going to do actual work, Christopher"

With that, I left him there. I headed downstairs, walking past the kitchen and noticing Oscar there, drinking. As I approached, he noticed me and stood up, putting his drink on the island bench.

"Sir, any word?"

"None, yet. But when we do, the men and yourself will know" He nodded. "In fact, I was wondering if you knew anything that might be useful?"

"Zakaria isn't playing games"

"Yet, he was always two steps ahead"

"What I mean is that he isn't playing games when it comes to destroying you and Mr. Evans. He means business and he will do anything and everything he can to win"

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