Chapter 50

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{Your POV}

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{Your POV}

{Two Weeks Later}

I had requested to continue my shooting. It was the only thing that made me feel alive and sane at the moment, even though I was being stuck in this mansion as a hostage, at least he allowed me to continue with it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and come out of my zone. I put the gun on safety and took my headphones off. I turned to see my body guard that was assigned to me. Larry.

"Miss Romano, Mr. Bane has requested to see you in his office" Larry said.

"So much for a peaceful morning" I rolled my eyes.

"You are really good, by the way" He indicated about my shooting.

"If you are worried about me shooting Zakaria, then don't. I made it clear that I wasn't going to harm him. That I was going to do whatever he wanted me too do"

"I was not worried for Mr. Bane as I know he can take care of himself. I was more worried about myself and my job as your bodyguard" he smiled.

"A Queen must always be able to protect herself, even when she has bodyguards, just in case she finds herself in a situation that requires her to defend herself" I explained.

He nodded.

"That sounds like she doesn't trust her own men enough to do their duty in protecting her" Came his voice.

I turned around and saw him finally stopping near the table of guns that were laid out for me to use. "A Queen must be ready to step in and help her men fight off the enemy. It is the Queen's duty to make sure that her city and empire is safe" I said, confidently.

"I don't disagree" he picks up a gun and inspects it "But perhaps the King doesn't want his Queen harm in anyway. Maybe the King orders his men to serve and die for their Queen"

"Then the King is just thinking about himself and his ego. Maybe the King should grow some balls and fight alongside his men for his Queen"

Zakaria puts the gun down and walks up to me. Towering over me like I was nothing. "I would kill and die to protect you. Perhaps, you should ask your lovers if they would do the same"

"Christopher nearly did die, wanting answers about you"

"Enough! I did not come out here to argue with you"

"Then why did you come out, if I was suppose to meet you in the office?"

"I grew impatient and thought I would see what was taking you so long" He brushed my cheek with the back of his palm "We have things to discuss"

I shoved his hand away. "Then we better get back inside and discuss these matters." I said, walking towards the mansion.

{Sebastian's POV}

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