Chapter 46

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{Your POV}

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{Your POV}

I wasn't exactly shoved, but the men pushed me a little in a way to say 'get going' when Zakaria had started walking. Zakaria had led me through the hallway before turning right into a large lounge area. Flat screen tv was popped up on the wall, a massive lounge couch that could fit several people at one time.

His two men were present behind me, as I knew they were keeping an eye on me so I wouldn't run. "I want you to feel comfortable, while you're staying here. You are more than welcome to watch whatever you want" Zakaria said.

I scrunched up my face with confusion. "Maybe you forgot. I am not staying here, I will be leaving"

"If you say so..." he dismissed my sentence. "Shall we continue?"

"Are you exactly giving me a tour?"

"I thought it would be nice. I am not a cruel man, Miss Romano"

"You just kill innocent people" I objected.

"And your boyfriends do not?" he stopped for a second. I stood behind him. "We all do things for people we love" he said and then continued walking.

We exited the lounge area and went straight to big open kitchen that led straight out to the backyard. I saw through the large sliding doors, he had a pool and another little house on the other side.

"I would show you that house, but it isn't clean" he laughed, when he saw what I was looking at.

"You torture people in there?"

"Only those that want to be tortured by pleasure" he smirked.

"Gross... I did not need to know about your sex life"

"It's not my sex life story I was saying"

I slightly turned my head to see his henchmen smirking. That was disgusting. "You let your men fuck women in there at a time or together?"

"Whatever they choose. I do not stop my men from anything... but they do have a limit"

We entered the kitchen. I couldn't believe my eyes, two other females, getting fucked. Zakaria stopped and so did they. I didn't need to be in front to see that Zakaria was fuming. He wasn't kidding with the limits.

"You know the rules..." he simply said.

"We're sorry, sir"

"Take the whores into the house and fuck them there. I do not want to see a show happening in my mansion. This kitchen is for cooking and entertaining" The two men nodded and took the women with them, as they hurried away. Zakaria brushed his fingers through his hair. "I do apologies. Like I said, they have limits. I guess sometimes we have to remind them."

"You're going to hurt them?" I asked, knowing the question.

"How else do I put my men back in line? If anyone is going to fuck in the kitchen, it would be me. I do own the place" he smirked at me with a devilish look. "Let me take you upstairs"

I looked around the kitchen "What's in there?" it was an entrance way that led to some stairs.

"I don't really want to show you that. It won't be pretty"

I didn't care much of what he said. If he wanted me to stay and show me everything in this place, I might as well get to know everything I can. It might help me understand and might help me in ending this war.

I, on my own accord, made a bee line for the stairs. "HEY!! HEY!!" I heard his men shout after me.

Carefully going down the stairs, watching each step as it was getting darker the further I went. Hopefully I will see a light switch somewhere. It was also getting colder and I knew this place would be exactly what I thought it would be. The cellars we have, where people would be brought down here and tortured until they died.

Something about this gave me the chills, but I was determined to find out anything I could about Zakaria and use it against him somehow. Something was pulling me towards the last cell. As I approached it, I turned my head to see if Zakaria was following me.

He wasn't, which was weird because he just told me not to worry about this place. I reached the last cell and opened the door. I couldn't see a thing. Everything was dark. I roamed my hand up against the cold wall. Normally, the cell would have a light switch to turn on.

"You might want to check the left side of the wall" Came his voice.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed.

Suddenly the lights outside of the cells came on and I swear, I nearly fell if it wasn't for Zakaria catching me.

"You don't have to scare me to death!"

"I didn't mean any harm. It seemed that you weren't going to listen to me and I waited until I decided to come after you"

I catch his eyes bearing into mine before he moved them up towards the cell. I managed to get out of his hold and straightened myself. His attention was in the cell. Like he was looking over every detail that was in the cell and I couldn't help but wonder what had got him in the trance

Half of me wanted to know, the other half was hoping that he wouldn't notice me slip out from under him and run. Make my escape and not look back. A third thought came to mind.

I could kill him here and now...

No one would know, maybe his guards. And then, I would be dead without a second thought to their own minds.

Suddenly, I felt his hand grip my wrist. His hand was warm, not burning but warm enough to take the cold I was feeling away.

"Do you know what it's like to lose someone, y/n?" he said, calling me by my first name.

"Excuse me?" I replied. What an odd question to ask.

"Loving someone so much, that you would do anything to protect them, to keep them safe, to keep them out of danger and what them to be happy?"

I shocked by this. I took another glance at the cell and then at him. His face was went from hard to soft.

"I remember it, like it was only yesterday that I had lost the most precious thing in my life"

It hit me. Hard. He was talking about his sister...


In that moment, he had let a bit of his walls down and I felt sorry for him. I loosened his grip from my wrist and then took his hand in mine. "Words can not describe how much we love the person we lost" I said to him, softly.

"No... Words can not. Only actions can"
Author's Note:

Maybe there's a reason behind Zakaria taking y/n...
Is there a good side to Zakaria that we'll discover or is this just a show?
What is Zakaria's plans exactly and how will y/n help him with it?


I am forever grateful for those who always comment, vote and take the time to read. It means so much to me that you're enjoying this story and I know I don't comment back, but I do appreciate it and I smile seeing/reading them❤️

 It means so much to me that you're enjoying this story and I know I don't comment back, but I do appreciate it and I smile seeing/reading them❤️

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