Chapter 44

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Warning - Mature language & Sex scene & Nudity****{Your POV}

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Warning - Mature language & Sex scene & Nudity
{Your POV}


Both Chris and Sebastian were out, handling business as I was finally getting out of bed. For the last few days, I felt nothing but tired and hungry.

Don't get me wrong, having a relationship with not one but two men seemed easy. It wasn't. Every chance they got, they just wanted to have sex with me.

It was like, since that day they wanted to show me how much they loved me and in doing so, it was sex nearly every minute of the day and twenty-four hours wasn't enough.

I had a slight headache and I didn't want to get out of the bed. Was this normal for someone who woke up after yet another night have sex? I closed my eyes and all I saw was Chris and Sebastian having their way with me.

"Those boys" I said to myself.

"You don't look so good, y/n" I heard a voice.

I lifted my head to see Michelle there at the bedroom door. She admitted to me what she knew back when Sebastian had me at his house and the fact she kept tabs on me to Sebastian. I told her that I wouldn't speak a word about it to either men. But she would forever be in my command. Chris didn't need to know and Sebastian, well if I wanted too I can torture him with it anytime.

"I don't know what's worse. Having one or both of them at the same time" I joked.

"You are not fit to come into work tonight. I tell you that"

"I will be alright by tonight. It's just a headache"

"And you look pale for someone who just woke up. I won't have you fainting at the club. What do you think the customers will say or think knowing the boss is dancing on stage while being sick?"

"Michelle, I have not let that club down since I returned"

"I never said you did. But just looking at you now, I can clearly see that you are not fit to work and you may be my boss, but I am your boss"

"So what we say to each other cancels each other out"

Michelle laughed. "In a way, yes"

I tried to get up but fell back down on the bed.

"Those boys need to give you a break. There are worse then teenagers" Michelle said.

"I agree" I looked at Michelle who now had a look on her face that wasn't good news "What is it?"

"I have been around for a lot of years and working with girls, I see it so often. Do you think you could be pregnant?"

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Michelle, I don't think that is up on the table. Given what has happened a year ago. Chris and Sebastian don't want to be fathers."

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