Chapter 34

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Warning - Mature language, Violence, Blood****{Chris' POV}

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Warning - Mature language, Violence, Blood
{Chris' POV}

"We need every men at every corner of this street" I shouted to Sebastian, while hiding behind a car with my gun raised and shooting down the street "We can't stay here. We need to capture whoever the fuck we can and make them talk"

The guns firing were so loud. Coming and going from both directions. The men who were here surrounded us until more our men come to the fight

"How the fuck do you suppose we do that?" Sebastian shouted back "We can't fucking get close enough to them" Firing his gun at them.

I had to think of a plan. Something that won't kill either of us while obtaining one of the shooters.

"Chris, whatever you're thinking you need to clue me in on it"

"Maybe you should stand up and be the target while I get in closer"

Sebastian looked at me shockingly "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"How the fuck do I know that you didn't set this up. One of your fucking idiot plans, trying to get me killed"

"Chris, we've been with y/n for a year. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it myself by now. We made a deal and I'm sticking through it. She wanted both of us and I'm not able to fuck that up. Not this time"

That caught me by surprise. "I know, it's just all this reminded me of Vito"

"He's dead. Move on. Now, think... What can we do. We need to get out of here alive or else y/n will for sure lose her fucking mind"

Just then, more of our men showed up. The cars taking the hits of the bullets coming towards us. "We need them to aim for the cars. That way, we find a way around this street and take them from behind"

"Everything was going so well until you said take them from behind"

I rolled my eyes "Now isn't the fucking time to get cocky or smart. Just do it"

"Lead the way, boss"

I called some of the men and gave them the plan. They nodded, even knowing that some of them might die. I didn't count how many men were on the other side of this street shooting at us, but our men knew what their duty was and did it without question

"Sebastian, let's go"

He followed me. The men shooting behind the cars that turned up and in return, whoever it was, was firing back at them. Not even caring about us coming their way...

Oh, how I was wrong. I stopped dead in my tracks and fell to a knee.

"Chris!!" Sebastian shouted. "Help him up and take cover"

"No!" I put my hand out. "We need to keep going"

"You got fucking shot!"

"Sebastian, we need at least one of those bastards!"

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