Chapter 59

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Warning - Mature language and Mention of Abuse****{The BIG Day}

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Warning - Mature language and Mention of Abuse
{The BIG Day}

{Your POV}

I tired to stay in bed as long as I could, trying to ignore the knocking on my bedroom door and not wanting to move and answer the day ahead.

I knew what today was. It was the day that I would sell my soul to the enemy in more ways than one. The day I would save both Christopher and Sebastian by saying those two words I wish I wouldn't say to anyone but those two men.

The knocking kept going and I groaned into my pillow. "Go away" I whispered more to myself. But it seemed that whoever was knocking, stopped.

I lifted my head up, facing the door. Only to be met with Zakaria standing there, well more like, leaning in the doorway. His arms crossed. I didn't know what to say or do.

"Good morning, it seems that you are alive after all" he said. "My men have been knocking on the door for the last half hour"

"That's bull, they haven't and clearly I am still alive. I just don't feel like getting up"

"Unless you are showing signs of being sick due to the baby, then I suggest you get up and get ready for today" I put my head back down on the pillow. "Would you like me to get you out of the bed, because I am more than willing to do that little dove"

I didn't move. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of getting his own way. Not that it would count, because he is getting his own way.

Feeling the sheets get thrown away from me, I saw him standing right in front of me. "You keep defying me for what? In hopes that you can leave or be with those morons? It won't happen. What will happen is me, waiting in this room for you to get ready."

"How exactly would you like to me get ready without any help and besides, you shouldn't see the bride before the wedding"

"Since the bride wants to act like a child, then I had no choice but to come and see her. Otherwise, I would be making sure that everything to the last detail was prepped." He bent down to my level now "Now, I have a few people who will help you to be the most gorgeous bride that I will see down that aisle"

Another knock on the door and we both looked in the direction. "Sir, we have a few guests to..."

"Let them through. Little dove will be out of the bed in another five minutes. She's having some baby trouble" He smiled "Let them set up everything while I attend in getting little dove in a more suitable attire" He bent and kissed my forehead "Now, play nice"

{Chris' POV}

"Everyone in the cars now! We have no time to waste" Sebastian called out. "Chris... Chris...!"

"I'm here. I want to check on something before we leave"

"This was your fucking idea, you can't just waste time now" he said to me, as I began to walk down to the basement "Chris! You don't have time to deal with her"

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