I found love

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Damon stood in front of the door of the apartment for a second. He steadied himself and walked in.

Bonnie was dressed up for their romantic date, although she still maintanied some of her own casual style.

"No flowers?!"- she joked with him.

"Overrated."- he said and looked at her as if she was a creature from another planet.

"Damon, you are staring!"- she said to him- "I am ready. This is our first romantic thing! Although saving me from the fake world was romantic too"- she said.

"You will have to so be particular in your pretence- she will sense your betrayal, it's like she is an enhanced witch"- Stefan's words rang in his head and for a moment he wanted to blurt everything out and tell her all.

"You don't know how I hate myself for doing this, Bon! "- a thought ran through now.

"I really want to see how original you will be."- Bonnie said and Damon flinched out of his momentary daydream. It once again sounded off Kai.

"Oh, it is very Damonesque original."- Damon then said and took out a small black silk scarf out of his jacket pocket.

"May I ?"- he then said and motioned to cover her eyes with it.

"Oh, it's a mysterious romantic game?! You may."- Bonnie said letting him cover up her eyes.

Soon they walked out of the building with Damon swishingly carrying Bonnie to the car.


At Fell's Church

Abby now prepared the ground for balancing the magic out ritual. Shw was perfectly focused on every step she was making. It was a very dangerous ritual and there was no room for mistakes. Her daughters life depended on it. This was also Abby's chance to make things right again with Bonnie.
The whole place was ready to be lit as soon as Bonnie was dnared into the center of the invisible pentagram.

All of them heard the car pull up not far from the cemetery.
Caroline and Stefan hid, so nothing would be remotely suspicious.

Abby also waited behind a tree steadying her breath.

They could all see Damon opening the door for Bonnie and helping her get out of the car.

"Seriously, I still need to wear this band...?? Come on, Damon..."-Bonnie complained.

Damon was leading her to the place of the ritual now fibbing about the romantic surprise, although in real truth this was also the place he had recognized that his feelings for Bonnie were not just friendly feelings, but that his soul wanted her to love him as he had fallen for her. It was the place where she had sent him the sign from the fake world that she was alive and kicking, and the place where strange mystical divergence was at.

""How much longer??"-Bonnie said impatiently as he lead her to the center of the pentagram.

"We are here."-Damon said now taking off the band from her eyes.
Bonnie looked around and recognized the cemetery area.

"Right. I get that you are a vampire and that all gothic thing is probably the most romantic thing, but, the cemetery, really, Damon??" -Bonnie huffed a bit, and Damon clenched his teeth a bit trying to block the Kai deja vu thing going on.

"This is the place I knew I was in love with you."-Damon then said-"The place where  I knew that you meant everything to me. When I found Mrs Cuddles here."

Bonnie's eyes gleamed at him with tenderness and a heart of the Bonnie not entirely cosumed by the dark Gemini magic.

"Really?"- she uttered now taking his hands in hers.

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