Chapter 14

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The next day has arrived.

Emmita has arrived home.

It's 8AM, and she is preparing some hot tea and toast of bread.

As she eats her meal, she couldn't get over the fact that she is not eating breakfast with her son.

She couldn't fathom on why it had to get to this point.

After washing the dishes, she begins preparing her new supply of fruits to sell for the day.

Just as when she was about to carry some of them to the stand, she hears someone at the door.

"Emmita! Emmita!"

Cain calls her from outside.

He is with Theodore.

Cain opens their gate and knocks at the house's door.

"Emmita, I know you're in there."

Emmita walks towards the door, and opens it.

"Emmita!" Cries Cain.

"Captain Cain..." She responds anxiously.

Both Theodore and Cain enter inside.

"So umm... What brings you here, sir?" She asks.

"Oh nothing. It's just that... I've heard from reliable sources that Marcel has left somewhere?"

"Oh yes... He just had to take care of a sick relative in the province."

"Sick relative? Wow. That's quite... Compassionate of him." He responds.

"Yes, he is." Emmita answers nervously.

Cain grabs one of the apples on the table.

"You know, I only have 80 days left in my term." He reminded her.

"Yes... I know." 

"After Christmas day, I step down as barangay captain."


"But before that, we had a deal. Remember?"

Emmita stays silent before answering.

"Yes. I remember." She answers.

Cain stares at the apple he is holding.

He suddenly throws it at the back window of the house, breaking the glass.

"Sir!" Theodore calls his boss out.

"Hush, Theodore." He tells him.

"So... When is Marcel coming back?"

Emmita's heart begins the race.

"I'm... Not yet sure."

"What do you mean by 'not yet sure'?"

"Look, I'm assuming he'll be back during the holiday season, okay?"

Her heart continues to race.

"Please, don't break anymore things."

Cain gives her an intimidating look.

"We had a deal. I give you a business, you give me your son's hand in marriage."

Emmita keeps trembling.

"I'll give you until Christmas eve. You know, I have connections. I can use them to get rid of you if you don't follow with the deal."

"I'm trying my best." Emmita answers him nervously.

"Well then try harder lady!" Cain shouts at her.


"Don't interrupt me Theodore!" The captain retorts at his assistant.

Cain looks at Emmita one last time.

"Christmas eve."

And with that, both him and Theodore exit the house.

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