Chapter 19

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Jared made Marcel wear Shayleigh's old rehearsal dinner dress.

On the other hand, Lester decided to wear his old rehearsal dinner tuxedo.

Charlotte and Elliot escort the prince to the dining table.

There are still a lot of food served.

The other servants begin assisting the prince with his meal.

"Here's your napkin your highness."

Lester accepts it delightfully.

"And some wine for you too, your highness."

The servant pours some grape wine onto his glass.

As the others continue accommodating the prince, Marcel then walks down the stairs with Scarlett and Jared.

Marcel's dress catches the attention of Lester as they approach the dining room.

However, Lester's frame of mind suddenly shifts as he sees the dress that Marcel is wearing.

"Is that-"

"Yes?" Marcel was confused.

"Oh no... You let him borrow her dress?" Lester was frustrated.

"Your highness we didn't know-"

"That dress belonged to the woman that ruined my life, and now you're reminding me of her again?!" He furiously exclaimed.

Marcel was confused by the prince's feelings.

"I knew this was a bad idea. Excuse me."

And with that, Lester walks out and goes to his room again.

"Did I do something wrong?" Marcel asked.

"No Marcel, it's not your fault." Scarlett answers.

"It was mine." Jared takes accountability.

"Okay... Umm, look. It's getting late, I think I should just... Go to bed now. If that's alright?" Marcel asks permission.

"Yes, you may go now." Charlotte tells him.

And with that, Marcel proceeds to his room as well.

The supposed dinner date plan for both Marcel and Lester was deemed to be a failure.

"Oh well... We tried." Elliot says.

"I told you you should've just made him a new dress!" Scarlett tells Jared.

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