Imagina Shorts #48

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Imagina Shorts #48

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Afterlunch at the tree house.

Sola: Haaah~ This place is amazing~

Sola puts her left elbow in the window frame and lays her head on her left hand.

Sola: The flowers, the trees, the butterflies and the bees... Everyday is amazing! I can live here forever!
Luna: Actually, this place is more than just flowers and trees, sister. There's still more things me and Fury haven't discover yet behind those leaves. B-because...
Sola: Because?
Luna: B-Because... I am heavy. Ehehehe...
Sola: C'mon, sis. You don't have to be always in Fury's back. You used to walk with Mama before... w-w-without me-
Luna: No-Don't say that, sis...
Sola: *sigh*

Luna joined Sola on her window frame sit.

Luna: How about... we take a hike with Fury? So we can show you the beauty of this place.
Sola: If-If you say so...

The three went outside and went hiking.

Fury: Uhhh... Are you sure you're not hopping inside my backpa-
Luna: Woah! Look at them!

Luna seems holding the same old magnifying glass that Fury had before.

Luna: Butterflies! *looks through the magnifying glass* Did you know that butterflies help flowers to polinate?
Sola: Yeah. And I always see butterflies here commonly.
Luna: Ah. Right. Let's move forward, Fury.

They headed forward.

Fury: Are you really sure that-
Luna: Those are hueberries! Those are edible and also small. Amazing it can change it's colors by the holder's emotion.
Sola: *picks up a hueberry*

Sola's hueberry suddenly turned into blue.

Fury: Sola? Are you okay?
Luna: *covers Sola'a hueberry* S-Sometimes it doesn't work properly because of over-ripeness!
Sola: ...
Fury: (That wasn't true.) ...
Luna: L-Let's move forward!

They headed forward more.

Luna: Behind this mountain is the eastern village. The easiest way to the village is heading to that river, but we're not going to go there since we went there last festival.
Sola: Last festival...
Luna: Errr... (Oh gosh. I shouldn't said that.) T-This mountain... Fury and I climbed this mountain before. It was so exhausting t-that we slept overnight at the summit to rest, right Fury?
Fury: Actually, You're all the way on my backpack that time we climbed.
Luna: N-N-Nevermind! Let's go now!

They headed forward more and more.

Fury: ... A-
Luna: We are here, in the rain forest, where the weather is always rainy all day and all night.
Sola: *looks up in the sky* Hmmm...
Fury: Ah, right... *grabs umbrella out of the backpack* For you two.
Sola: *handles the umbrella*

Unfortunately, the umbrella is pretty small that only two small girls can fit under it.

Luna: How about you, Fury?
Fury: No thanks. And I'm kinda enjoying the rain.
Luna: ...

The flattering leaves every raindrop fills the quiet atmosphere.

Sola: *humming*

It was all so peaceful. Birds hiding from their nests started singing with Sola. All of the reptiles around them took a seat and listens to Sola's hums.


It is forever raining.

Sola: Do you still remember, sister?
Luna: Remember what?
Sola: That song, Mama always sing that before we sleep.
Luna: Y-Yeah, I still remember...
Sola: And after school when it's raining, Mama will give us our umbrella, just for us to be safe, even Mama gets wet by the rain.
Fury: (Wait. Did Sola just refered me to their mother? Whaaaa~?)
Luna: Y-Yeah...
Sola: *sigh* This rain clouds reminds me of home...
Fury: ... (Home? But... clouds?)
Luna: L-Let's go back home now...

They headed back home.

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