Imagina Shorts #91

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Imagina Shorts #91

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(tap to play)

(joining the server...)


Fury joined the server.

Fury: All right!

Huge horn alarms at the town hall, alarming the whole Navel town.

Fury: Oh no...

Goblins starts to climb above the town wall. Everyone locks themselves inside their houses, and their properties too because those goblins love stealing things.

Fury: Gotta lock the headquarter first.

Reaching the headquarter, he was startled what he saw. Stealing goblins. AND THOSE GOBLINS GOT THEIR WEAPONS!!! FURY GOTTA FIGHT THE GOBLIN VERSION OF HIS TEAM!!!

Fury: Uhhh... Dr. Cool? Luna? S-Sola? Where are you?

• Online: 1

Fury: Guess I'm alone here.

Fury got surrounded by the goblin thieves.

Battle begin!

Heroica side:
• Fury
- info = The leader of team Heroica
- health = 330/330
- phystats =
- psystats = alone
- sprstats =

Goblin Thieves side:
• Swordgoblin
- info = the goblin that took Fury's Compass Sword
- health = 100/100
- phystats =
- psystats = party
- sprstats =
• Goblin Witch
- info = stole Dr. Cool's coat and drank too much jump potion
- health = 100/100
- phystats = jump boost
- psystats = party
- sprstats =
• Wrestler Goblin
- info = Hoo-HAAAA!!!
- health = 100/100
- phystats =
- psystats = party
- sprstats =
• Spear Goblin
- info = the goblin who took Alex 2.0's Dark Spear
- health = 100/100
- phystats =
- psystats = party
- sprstats =
• Healer Goblin
- info = nerd
- health = 100/100
- phystats =
- psystats = alone
- sprstats =
• the goblin behind Fury
- info = the goblin behind Fury
- health = 100/100
- phystats =
- psystats = party
- sprstats =
• another goblin behind Fury
- info = another goblin behind Fury
- health = 100/100
- phystats =
- psystats = party
- sprstats =

Fury: I should get my sword back

Fury used trickery.

Fury: Look! Gold! *points to his right*

All the goblins fell at Fury's trick.

Fury tried to steal one of the goblin's weapon. It was successful!

Fury: "A Journey to the Otherworld filled with Tentacles and Slimes"!? Waitaminute... This isn't my sword!

Punch! Fury fell from Wrestler Goblin's punch attack.

LunaOwO joined the server.

LunaOwO: Hello everyone!

The goblins froze at their stealing job, seeing the little girl in yellow wings.

LunaOwO: Oh! Hello everyone!

Those goblin's eyes around her were reflecting a yellow color like a mirror of herself.

LunaOwO: Hmmm... Impressed-oh? *flies*

Luna floats in the air, sprinkling glitters around her. All of the raiding goblins are looking at her in the air as she is the most precious gold they had ever seen.

The goblins started chasing her.

LunaOwO: Woah! Calm down! There's so many of you! *flies away*

The goblins starts to leave the Navel town as Luna is luring them away.

Fury: Oh. Thank Luna.

The town is once again, saved by... *ahem* lemmemakeitmorebeautiful

The town was again freed from the danger of those greenling thieves with the help of the little girl in yellow wings.

:::: joined the server.

Fury: Huh? Who is that?

Fury checked the center of the town, which is the spawnpoint of the new players, but no any other player are present there.

LunaOwO: FURY!!! RUN AWAY!!!
Fury: ???

Fury looked up in the sky. It is Luna, and silhouette of more Luna in pure black texture chasing her.


Fury was about to warn the villagers, but all the villagers looks like him, but in pure black texture too.


! Server crashed
The server faced a serious problem.
• ::::'s unknown data
• :::: hacking acrivities detected
• Nodes overload


Fury: A hacker? What the hell?

Fury went outside the bedroom to check Luna at the living room, but Luna is not there.

Fury: Hmmm... Oh! (Luna is online. I'll just chat her.)

(8:43 a.m.)
Fury: Where are you?
Luna: Uhmmm...
Fury: ???
Luna: Did you see those shadows behind me earlier?
Fury: Uhuh.
Fury: ...
Fury: Luna?
Fury: Where in the place are you hiding?
Fury: You're planning something again, aren't-cha?
(8:48 a.m.)
Luna: b
Fury: Great.

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