Imagina Shorts #81

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Imagina Shorts #81

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Winter: *pokes the pig's ear*
Pig: *twitches his ear*
Winter: ( o •o)

Winter walks around in wander, around the two sleeping heroes.

Jake's eyes was wide open, and Winter did not expect that.

Winter: Squeak!!!
Jake: Hoo! Haa!
Winter: ... Uuu-uuu?
Jake: *stomach grumbles* Hoo...
Winter: -~- Uuu-uuu...

Winter opened the fridge. Yep. Just fishes.

Winter: *is trying to open the front door*
Jake: Hoo? Haa?
Winter: Uuu~!

Winter finally opened the front door.

Jake: Hoo!? Hoo...
Winter: Uuu! *crawled away*

Jake stands up the pig like a motorcycle.

The three went to the village looking for a fruit for lunch. Didn't knew this was more stupid to write than Luna breaking the fourth wall.

Some villagers risen their foot just to give the three a free path.

"Shrumpy's". What a strange name for a huge restaurant.

The three continued to find for a food.

A large statue of a familiar looking man. It is made of non-melting ice. I'm feeling there's a lurking curse hidden in this snowy place.

The three continued to find for a food.

Jackpot! A farm field that might have edible plants.

Winter: Uuu...
Jake: Hoo...
Pig: *sat from disappointment*

Carrots, iceberg lettuce, purple yam, cabbages... Well, at least there's something.

Farm owner: What the- HEY! GET OUT OF HERE!!!

The farm owner, of course, shooed them away.

Winter: Uuu?
Jake: Hoo! Haa!
Pig: *munch-munch*

Jake and the pig ate alot of the food they stole.

???: Winter? What are you guys doing here?
Winter: Uuu!
???: It's cold out here!
Jake: *is shivering*
Pig: *is shivering too*
Winter: U-Uuu... ;-;
???: Let's go now. And I told you not to get too close on that cave.
Jake: Hoo?
Pig: Oink?
Winter: Uuu-Uuu.

The fisherman and his companions went back to their shelter.

??? *sigh* Another life just being an average fisherman.

There is a one corner of the house that is filled with empty bottles that used to have beer inside.

???: After the ice dragon raided this town village, my ice power is no use anymore.
Jake: Hoo-hoo?
???: Yeah. The ice dragon.
Jake: Hoo! Haa!
???: Really? Who?

Jake grabs a tote bag and wear it like a backpack, then found a stick and swayed it in the air.

Jake: Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
???: The chosen one, you say?

The fisherman took a seat once again.

???: *sigh* I hope he saves the world...

The fisherman casted a non-melting ice at his mug for drinking beetroot beer.

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