The rooms. (allium duo)

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The rooms. (allium duo :})

It was a hot summer day. Ranboo and Tommy were hanging out playing video games and talking, you know the usual. Tommy brought up the idea to go over to his house because it was getting really hot. They both decide to go. They immediately started walking home. Something seemed off. There were little to no people outside? No cars, nothing. Tommy tried not to overthink it and continued walking with Ranboo. Eventually they got to his house.


Tommy unlocked the door and they both went in. the vibe of the room seemed unsettling? It was like something wasn't right. They both got some cold water to drink and made their way over to the living room. Tommy walked through the entryway to the living room and stopped in his tracks. The couch moved? (work with me here lmao) it wasn't in the same place as before??? They both stupidly go and sit on the couch. That's when panic hit. They were SINKING?? (yep sinking) they were slowly falling through the pillows of the couch. They slipped through and ended up in the backrooms... (slay)


Ranboo and Tommy fell straight onto the moist carpet. They were separated sadly. The walls looked gross and stained. The carpets seemed wet and sticky. There was a strange smell. Tommy was confused. Ranboo on the other hand was PREPARED. Ranboo loves anything to do with the backrooms. He knows most if not all of the levels, entities and creatures. All they needed to do was find each other. Tommy yelled out Ranboos name no answer. Tommy sat there confused, terrified and alone. Just then he sees a strange entity floating around. It was like he was watching him. He seemed comforting. He slowly started to float over to Tommy. The blonde was scared but he didn't run, he didn't scream, he stayed still.


The entity had brown fluffy hair, a nice warm smile and a soft yellow sweater with a white collar. He smiled at Tommy, Tommy smiled back. The ghost (stay with me yall) gestured for Tommy to get up off the floor. He did. The ghost lowered himself to Tommy's level and introduced himself. "Hello!! Please don't be afraid, I'm here to help :) my names Ghostbur!" he said. "H-hi i'm Tommy why aren't you hurting me doesn't everything want to kill me?!" Tommy said. "My gosh no, I'm here to help!!! I saw that you lost your friend. They aren't too far from here. I saw them while wandering around :)" the two carefully walked back to meet up with Ranboo!


Ranboo was pacing back and forth trying to think of possible ways Tommy may have died by now (BAHAHA) then suddenly ranboo saw Tommy and ran over to him. "TOMMY!!! YOU'RE NOT DEAD!! HOW-" Ranboo yelled. It felt like it took hours. The two boys and the ghost quickly went through the stages and had so many near death experiences. (let's pretend that they didn't die and they made it to an exit lmaoo i gotta end this somewhere) just then they saw a very bright light they walked into it and Ghostbur waved goodbye. he was visibly sad as he gets attached to people easily since he never really gets guests. Ranboo and Tommy ended up on a couch this time it wasn't any old random couch it was Tommy's couch. They talked about their experience then went to bed.


Hi guys!!!! We got to 20 reads so slay thanks so much!!!! I don't really like this one that much but I can deal with it lmao.

☆Word count: 569 (HAHA)☆ ive improved so less goooo :) i hope y'all enjoyed this

-Gh0st >:0

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