Boop (skep-halo <33)

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Boop. (skep-halo <33) 

Hello everyone! Ik this is unusual for me to be talking at the start of the story but today was special!! We've reached 100 reads!! So in honor to that i decided to feed most of yalls addiction cOugH including mine, and write gay skephalo shit so gladly enjoy!


The night before, Skeppy and bbh were watching movies together and passed out cuddling each other. Bbh woke up and noticed skeppys arm was around him, like he was hugging him. Bad found this beyond adorable but he had to carefully move the boys hand from around his torso so he could make breakfast for them. Once bad successfully moved the hand without almost waking the boy he stumbled over to the kitchen to get things for breakfast. He decided to make waffles with fresh cut fruit, one of Skeppys favourite things to have.


Skeppy woke up shortly after bad was finished making the waffles. He noticed bad was gone and got quite sad bc ~attachment issues~ he smelt the waffles and realised bad was in the kitchen and quickly got up and ran over to the kitchen to eat!

—--------------☆time skip bc slay☆—--------------------------------

Skeppy put their dishes in the sink after eating and Bad came up behind him and gave him a big hug (AUGH hugs from behind are like my favourite things tbh) Skeppy smiled and bad booped him on the nose. (GaSp the story begins) skeppy found this adorable but he strangely found it as a ☆challenge☆ skeppy wanted to see how many boops he could give bad that day. Just then bad told skeppy they were gonna go out to the store and asked him if he wanted to come. "Sure bad ofc ill come with you!" Skeppy said, bad was happy.


They finally got to the shopping mall after at least a half an hour drive. They went in and started to look at things. Skeppy thought this was a great opportunity to boop bad on his nose. He sneakily walked up behind him and booped his nose bad smiled and booped him back, this raised more of a competition. They walked around and went to a few more stores before they decided to get back into the car. They finally got back into their car and started to drive home. Skeppy saw that bad obviously couldn't boop him back because he was ☆driving☆ so he slowly booped bad on the nose. Bad replied with "skeppy u scared me haha i'm driving you muffinhead, couldn't that wait until we got home?" Bad laughed, skeppy apologised then bad quickly and smoothly booped him back showing he wasn't angry at him skeppy smiled back. They finally got home from the shopping mall and walked inside to eat dinner since it was getting dark.

—--------------☆T i m e–s k i p☆—---------------------------------

It was quickly getting dark so the boys went and layed on the couch bad could tell skeppy was getting tired so he gave him a small kiss on the forehead and skeppy gave him one final boop on bads nose before falling asleep.


WOOOOOOO LETS GO YALL! i hope you enjoyed ur ~surprise~ my friend @m3ll0hii and i worked on the idea of this story so you should def check them out bc their quite pog if i do say so myself~

we officially got to 100 reads so ☆swag☆ im so proud of myself and i am so thankful!! 

tbh i love skep-halo so i truely enjoyed writing this!

☆word count: 592!!☆

i love you all and im so proud of you.


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