Locked in :) (crime boys)

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Locked in >:) (crime boys :>)

Wilbur and Tommy were meeting up. It was late afternoon. The two boys were going to go home and watch a movie but they needed snacks (ofcccc). Wilbur and Tommy walked over to their closest store and entered. The store was about to close but they were desperate to get their snacks. They ran to the back of the store and searched for about five minutes to try to find the snack aisle. They had no luck. Tommy had the stupid idea to hid in the store and see how long until security found them. Wilbur being more mature knew this was a dumb idea. But he needed some fun, I mean you only live once. He stupidly agreed to do the challenge with Tommy.


It was close to ten more minutes until they closed up the shop. Tommy was looking around for hiding spots. He found a shelf and put all the boxes aside. Him and Wilbur crawled in thankfully it was just enough room for the two to fit comfortably with more space to spare. Tommy crawled out and placed the boxes around them and stacked them.he tried to make it as natural looking as possible aiming not to raise any suspicion. There was one box left and Tommy crawled back in and placed the box in the hole he used to get inside. Just then Tommy pulled out a dayum flashlight, it was like this man knew they were gonna be there tonight.


Wilbur could hear the security guards checking the aisles and things to make sure nobody was in the store. Wilbur gestured to Tommy to be silent or else they would get caught. The guards walked right past the shelf they boys were on. Wilbur overheard security talking, "alright we can lock up the stores clear" the guard said. Tommy got excited and almost shouted but thankfully Wilbur covered his mouth before he had the chance to. The lights turned off and the doors were locked shut. They were in.


Tommy busted through the box wall and immediately ran down the aisles back and forth. They both went over to the snack section (aye they found it) Wilbur and Tommy grabbed a snack each and opened it. Wilbur felt guilty and knew it was wrong but he wasn't going to ruin this for Tommy. They went to the back of the store by the outdoor equipment and Wilbur excitedly sprinted to the bikes. Wilbur saw a pink sparkly My Little Pony bike he sat on it and attempted to bike around the store. He was clearly too tall for it as it was meant for a child. Tommy got on Wilbur's back and they biked around the store laughing.


(imagine them doing stuff till sunrise thanksss)

Tommy noticed it was close to the opening of the store and he alerted Wilbur. They quickly found the same place they were in last time and placed the boxes in and hid there for about fifteen minutes before the doors opened and the lights turned back on. Wilbur heard some people and some shopping carts and assumed the store had opened. They waited for another ten minutes before carefully and quickly exiting their hiding spot. Tommy grabbed his backpack and the two boys booked the hell outta there. They successfully made it out and completed the challenge. Everything was great until Wilbur stopped, turned to Tommy and said "oh shit. The security cameras."


Heyooo I'M BACK!!!! So sorry I haven't been posting I lost motivation :P But I'm back and better than ever!! We love that >:}

Yall we got to 50 readsssss lets goo halfway to one hundred ayee <33

☆word count: 576 words!☆


-Gh0st >:} 

✰𝙈𝙘𝙮𝙩 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨✰Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora