Royalty -sbi- (AU)

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Royalty (au) -sbi- (mainly emerald duo) :>

It was a quiet morning at the castle. Like normal. The sun was beaming into the pink haired man's eyes, awakening him almost instantly. Today was a big day. He was going to be crowned king. Finally he had the throne; it's been years of waiting for his father to resign. But today was it that big shiny crown was his, all his and nobody could do anything about it.


The man walked over to his massive walk-in closet (-material girl-) he grabbed what looked like a velvet red cape with gold chains, a solid black corset and a white ruffled dress shirt. He put those on and grabbed some black platform boots with buckles on them and began to make his way down to the dining hall for some food. He walked down multiple sets of carpeted stairs before reaching a table filled with fruits and various different breakfast foods. On the end of the table sat a man. He had blonde hair and was wearing a green cape with a white shirt and a green and white hat. He was wise; he had a very sweet and caring vibe to him. They call him king philip or more known as King philza (yayy dadza!)


The man gestured with a sweet subtle smile for the pink haired boy to take a seat. As he did he overheard a childish soul running around up and down the hallways seeming to be chased by another. The pink haired boy formally known as Techno short for Technoblade was the oldest brother in the family then came William formally known as Wilbur as the second oldest then lastly came a golden haired boy named Thomas also known as Tommy being the youngest brother in the family. Wilbur and Tommy like to pick on eachother usually Techno would join in on terrorising their younger sibling but he needed to act professional today. As much as he didnt want to, he had no choice.


The king, also known as the father of the family, quickly but softly and carefully held on to the collar of Wilbur's shirt to notify him to sit down and stop picking on his brother. He took the hint and began to sit in his seat. Philza began to speak. "So as we all know by now I'm passing on the throne to your brother, as he is the oldest and apparently the most mature. Your brother is going through a lot of pressure and stress at the moment so please i'm looking at you Tommy and Wilbur. be on your best behaviour tonight no fighting please boys i'm serious. There will be consequences to your actions." (yaas dadza content) Wilbur and Tommy took a quick glance at one another realising this is a serious event and to attempt to be professional. they nodded at Phil signifying their understanding.

—-------- time skip they ate breakfast—------------------------------------------------------

It was almost time for the crowning ceremony and techno was all nervous, excited but very overwhelmed. Just in no time Philza was calling him inside the huge room and asking him to sit down on the throne as the ceremony was about to begin. The music started and every one of the subjects of the small kingdom filled the area to the brim. All the seats were taken. It was time. He took multiple deep breaths before Phil introduced his brothers into the room one by one allowing them to calmly walk in the room and find their seat on one of the chairs beside techno. The brothers were wearing lots of gold chains and jewellery along with a small crown on top of their head signifying they were royal. Phil sat in the bigger seat next to techno telling him to breathe and to calm down as he needed to look calm and relaxed as if he was ready.


A couple minutes passed by and it was finally time to begin. All the subjects arise from their seats including Tommy and Wilbur. Techno stood up shakily and smiled at philza in a worrying yet excited smile. Phil carefully removed the crown from his own head and began to replace it onto technos head carefully. Once it was complete the crowd clapped and sat back down in their seats. Techno had to present a small speech about the things he would attempt to make a change to in the kingdom. Once he was finished the crowd began to shrink as everyone began to leave the ceremony. Philza brought technoblade aside, making sure they were alone, they walked out onto a small balcony and shut the doors behind them. Phil began talking to the boy. "My dear son. I am truly proud of you. Promise me, you wont give up now matter how hard things get? I believe in you and everything you stand for, I truly think you'll make a great king. I love you so much." (im sobbing rn man) techno shed a small tear then that turned into him crying, philza pulled him into a tight hug. The family sat outside watching the sunset and celebrating the new heir of the throne, their very own brother.


Hi guys!!! I know this is different from my usual content but i hope you like it because I have multiple more AU ideas :DDD

I've been wanting to do a royal AU for a while now but I had no idea how to do it or what to do it on. As you can tell I figured it out!!

Sorry I haven't been posting!! Between needing motivation and focusing on school and stuff it's been kinda difficult~ but i'm here!!

sorry if ive missed any spelling or grammar errors :>>

☆Word count: 963 (were getting better pog)☆


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