Times Ticking. {karlnap}

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Times ticking. -karlnap-

The deep loneliness of night was usually a calming time for karl. The dark would take over as the sun set. He would be on call with Sapnap till sunrise, then the two men would sleep through the whole day with no distractions. Recently that routine changed. sapnap got into an argument with Karl. One of karls worst fears was losing the people he cares about the most, which came true. Since then they're friendship got more and more neglected until it got to the point where they wouldn't talk except for saying the usual hi, that usually ended up with one of the boys ghosting the other and leaving them on read.


The exact argument would play through karls head almost every night as he was routinely overthinking. He would beat himself up with guilt and regret thinking of how the argument was his fault and if he just didn't say those words then everything would be normal, he would be happy and still talking with Sapnap late night every night. He just didn't understand, he wanted to fix things and make everything the same again.


One day he decided to get up out of bed and begin a fresh start. He decided to take a day to clean up and put his life back together. He really didn't realise how much sapnap was helping him through all these days. He got up and went to tidy up his attic since he hasn't been up there in god knows how long, anything could be up there. He began to tidy and put all the boxes left up there into a small pile in the corner of the room. The attic was small, but tall enough for the brunette to stand up comfortably. As he was searching through the boxes he found a small locket; Inside when he opened it was a wind up clock. It looked visibly old and rusted. The man put it around his neck and continued on with his cleaning.


At this point it was nighttime and Karl decided to take off the locket with the clock from earlier. As he held it in his hand to remove it, he felt a shock of electricity. He immediately let go of the necklace and wonders what the fuck had just happend. The locket began to shake and open by itself. Karl was thinking to himself what was going on. He remembered a book he had read about these kinds of things. It was a clock and if you moved the hands to the numbers of the day you want to time travel too, it would send you there. The brunette decided to go to the exact date that the argument between him and sapnap occurred and attempt to fix it. If he just fixed it then none of this would've happened and everything would go back to normal. So the journey began.


The date was set to October 31st. Which explains why Karl hasn't celebrated Halloween ever since this huge argument happened. On that day last year Karl was throwing a halloween party with all his friends of course including sapnap, first on the guest list. There he was, his past self sitting on a couch with sapnap just vibing eating snacks and watching halloween movies and shit. Karl looked at the clock on the wall, the argument was almost about to begin. Karl watched and listened for a good time to show up and fix everything. The argument began. "Hey.. Karl, I've been meaning to talk to you about something" "mh? Yea sap? What's up?" the man said. "I was thinking maybe we should take a break from each other, i mean we hang out constantly and i feel like we're getting too attached." sapnap said with a shaky voice. "Sapnap. What the hell? I mean sure we hang out alot but this is ridiculous. You cant just leave me alone just because we talk alot, thats fucking pathetic." karls past self left for a moment to wipe his tears in the bathroom with a tissue.


Karl decided this was a good time to jump in and fix everything. He walked out from behind the couch and almost started to cry from happiness that sapnap was right in front of him, sure he was from the past but at least he can talk to him in person. "Hey sapnap. Im really fucking sorry. I shouldn't have said those words. I was being a big dick." "Karl, I know you love hanging out with me and talking but I just feel like we should take a break from each other for a little." Karl decided it was time to speak up and say his feelings. "Sapnap, again I'm sorry, I hate being alone sometimes and you just help me feel safe. I apologise if i'm being very clingy, just give me one more chance and i'll fix everything, I miss you and i just can't stand being without you.'' Karl heard his past self coming back so he hid in a corner behind a door. His past self returned and sapnap was teary eyed. They hugged and said their apologies to each other.


Karl decided it was time to go back to the present time and see if this fixed the problem. He opened the locket and moved the clock hands to the present day. He was teleported back into his room. He heard loud music coming from the room next to his, sapnaps old room before he moved out. Karl slowly opened the door and stared directly into sapnaps eyes. He couldn't believe it. His best friend was back. They could talk all night and finally everything was fixed. Everything was normal.


Heyoo!! I'm sorry that the story starts off kinda slow.i also apologise for any spelling errors and shit im really sleep deprived and tired and shit. I really wanted to do this idea but I had no idea how to lay it out so I kinda just went with the flow and ended up with this?

☆word count: 1113 LETS GOOOOO were getting alot better with longer stories!! pogg☆

I personally relate to this story because I really need my friends like a shit ton. If i don't say goodnight to one of them i can't sleep. Im a rlly clingy person especially to one of my friends lmao i text him every day :} anyways halloween is soon and im really fucking hype!! I'm going with some friends and i'm going to be Badboyhalo bc like who wouldn't wanna be the muffin man?

I love you guys, stay safe. I'm proud of you!!!

-Gh0st :}}

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